I say...
Don't put your fork near your eye...
Stop rubbing food in your hair honey...
Please don't put your drink bottle in your ear...
I hear...
Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to get her poor froggy a bone...
Round and round the garden like a teddy bear,
A one step,
A two step,
A tickly underwear.
Mum does Bob the Builder wear pyjama's?
And does he go to bed with a lady?
Life with two young children and a toddler, what can I say.
Feel free to share the wise words heard or spoken in your home.
Mine like to rub food in their hair too. Luckily they don't have that much (hair that is...)
We're still in the very early stages of talking. Liam does three word sentences (here it is / what was that?), and occasionally comes out with big words such as "gorgeous". Noah says "woof woof" and "yow yow" a lot.
Funny thing is we have a warning sound uh-uh-uh which we use a lot. The other morning the kids were in their beds saying uh-uh-uh and they sounded like a pack of crows.
That was a long comment...
my recent faviourite was "dont breathe in, you have a pea at the tip of your nose... oh its now up your nose!" and "oh you little monkey- get down from there" "that is not a toy!"
The fav sayings you hear around here "we're going on a bear hunt"
"round and round the garden like a teddy bear"
E fav thing to do atm is to pretend she is a dog and I have to take her around on a lead. Its really quite cute, the I get a lick as well (no contact thankfully)
Oh crikey! You have reminded me again to sort things out and write it all down. Our two year old's vocabulary seems to be influencing the family vernacular. We all corrected a visitor on the weekend when they were looking at the kids' 'cappalillar' collection.
Hee hee... I love the pea thing!!! Our favourite is when we play bear hunt and we get to the part when you get to a cave... Miss R used to say "Oh no dont go in there... its too scary mummy!" and start bawling!!! hahaha
Master O doesnt say much other than "Wat" (water) "mo" (more) "dook" (book) "heyyo dadda" and blowing fish kisses to any lady he sees! :p
I - love it! It sounds like we could swap houses and have the same conversation:)
I was really stupid and took 2 little kids and a toddler to the supermarket after school. We're in front of the freezer when Miss A yells "L touched me on the nuts!" He yells back, "but she touched my nuts first!". Big breath, bigger swallow, I knelt down and asked them to show me where their 'nuts' were. Both showed me their bottoms. I told them they wern't their nuts, and some people called a penis their nuts. Fortunately this had the effect I was looking for and they were both very embaressed. Risky, I know, as the other just as likely effect was continued yelling and more touching. Yikes!
Anything silly will get a laugh in our house. Thanks for a fun post Karen!
"Who put this dirty diaper in the mailbox??" (Oh, my!! And what did our poor mailman think of that?!)
lol "tickly underwear"
Caleb started calling undies, undiewears for no reason.
I'm with Tania- got to start writing more of this stuff down.
Kids are funny.
You made me laugh Karen. Kids are so awesome and we forget sometimes.
I'm just hearing a lot of "ummmmummmm" together with a pointed finger and lots of expressions at the moment. Having said that, I am amazing at how well the kids communicate with no real words.
Does Bob the Builder go to bed with a lady?
So funny and so cute! Love the Bob the builder questions. I would like answers to those too... does he?
As my little on is 10.5 months of age, the extent of language at this point is "Ma", "Da", "Bub" and "Gat" which is baby for Cat I think, as he chases after the cat as quick as he can on his tummy, commando style, yelling "GatGatGat!" He was saying "Og" when looking at the dog as well, but the dog has since become "Gat" as well too, must be easier to say as they certainly look nothing alike. One big black cat, one brindle rigeback cross rotti. Hmmmm...
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