Today is about sharing your favourite crafty tip.
Of course mine is sewing related and to do with my overlocker.
How do you finish off threads on the overlocker to prevent them unravelling?
At a course I went to the instructor showed us that when you look at a chain of overlocking thread after you have sewn the seam, there are two relatively straight threads through the centre of the chain. These are the needle threads.
(shown here in white)

Use tweezers or a pin to pull these threads out and the other two threads (from the upper and lower loopers) will simply untangle.

Sounds a little complicated but it's really not and makes finishing so simple.
I hope my dodgy photo's help explain what am talking about.
Head on over to Carmel's blog to join in and share your wisdom.
Great tip - my mum taught me this one years ago - DH thinks that I go to extremes as I always then thread the thread back through the overlocked section after knotting it - but he does say that I do a neat job. Off to go and see who else is playing along:)
Great tip Karen.
Thanks for that I was wondering how to do it.
Ooo. I like that tip. Thanks. Lisa.
Thank You Mrs! Now all i need is one of those overlocker wonder gizmo's....Come on Christmas, come on Christams! Peta
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