Do you remember doing chalk drawings on the footpath outside your house?
I do and it's as much fun as ever!
(once I had reassured the small folk that it really was fine and no-one would be upset with us for drawing on the footpath outside our house!)

Of course the rain that is now falling will have cleaned the slate - ready for new creations.
I hope your day has a rainbow with two suns in it too.
To see who else is passing their time creatively, pop over to Kirsty's.
Pavement pictures are such a lot of fun.
Aww, so pretty! I used to do this so much when I was little - it's so fun being able to decorate the neighbourhood!
We do love a bit of pavement scribbling around these parts... my sons still don't get that they're not meant to eat the chalk though.
That's a great idea, Petal was trying to entice me into a game of hopscotch today but I think pavement drawing is more my speed.
We did this the other day. But inside the compound! We made a flower garden and the next day it turned into hopscotch. Fun!! xo
We use chalk to draw on everything here so it has been banished to the top of the fridge for a while... hope not for long though because drawing on pavement is so much fun.
Ahh, we were going to do this some time soon! :D Very sweet that your kids were concerned they would get into trouble... :D
Gorgeous! We have painted our pantry door with blackboard paint so the littlies can draw while I cook. Its pretty good for lists too. have a great weekend. X
What a fun and almost naughty thing to do!
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