While symptoms may appear to be innocent and merely annoying nuisances to observers, if left untreated, the persistent and pervasive effects of CDHD symptoms can insidiously and severely interfere with one's ability to get the most out of crafting opportunities, fulfill one's potential in the workplace and home, establish and maintain interpersonal relationships (family WILL become cranky about the volume of supplies and amount of time spent with said supplies rather than family members), and maintain a generally positive sense of self (sufferer are prone to suffering anxiety regarding the inability to complete all items on 'the list').
Definition as adapted from here
Well Carmel got the ball rolling - posting her almost impossible to accomplish list of the CDHD sufferer - so I felt it only fair to follow suit!!
I had just revised mine yesterday so timing was good - except that it means there are not many red 'cross outs' yet!

My list is not too bad when you consider that this second page is not things that need to be done by Christmas, it's largely clothes for the girls - the kinder stuff even includes some things they won't need until the cooler months.

Of course there are things I know I have left off - such as the Make it Perfect Uptown Girl jacket that I want to make for Miss G, and the beach throw-overs that I want to make for all three girls and maybe myself....
Oh dear - it really is never-ending!
CDHD - are you a sufferer???
CDHD - are you a sufferer???
(waiver - please note this post is no way meant to make light of the serious condition known of ADHD)
Ummm... I think I may have this disorder. I also think that some of the symptoms may have become increasingly noticeable with computer use providing further inspiration, leading to unachievable goals and an increasing inferiority complex as others appear to complete more craft activities than oneself... (I also get a little snippy if I am unable to get inside the craft room and shut the door on a regular basis).
That MAY be a symptom, Karen...
Ha Ha Carmel - good pick up!!
Typo corrected!
The inability to focus on my spelling to the end of a post might be part of it I think!!
Ha! I have long been composing a similar post in my own head, with the very same name, CDHD!
Your list does look, um, fullsome! If I actually wrote out all the things I have in progress, have planned, or am dreaming of trying, I think I would be shocked. Luckily, I have a wonderful habit of losing my crafty 'to-do' lists. So basically every week or so I write a list of stuff I'm in the middle of, then I lose it and conveniently forget half the stuff I thought I was doing... which is probably a good thing, because it's all self-driven pressure anyway.
Is your list really that neat?
My name's Kate and I too am a sufferer.
I would be way too frightened to put it all down in writting though. I have plans for that Uptown Girl jacket too I just can't commit to the final fabric choice yet,
Oh my I have it ! Finally there is an explanation for my problems , is there medication or do I just keep crafting ?
Putting hand up - is there a place to go for like minded crafty people (oh yes - sewjoin) Our poor and patient husbands is all I can say.
Wow - what a list - I an also too affraid to actually write up everything that I would like to get done - the sewing list is still yet to be touched:(
Oh man, I have just spent a fortnight where I wasn't interested in anything but am suddenly feeling heaps better and the sewing addiction is coming back hard and fast and it definitely feels like an obsession.. brain is suddenly flickering away with a million ideas and I want/need so much time to sew and feel frustrated that my life is too busy and I seriously do not have the time to do what I want with my sewing.. yet, I feel I neeeeeeeeeed to do the sewing to make me feel complete. Bizarre huh? Oh, hope I didn't out myself as needing the most help! ;)
It's always a relief, when you realise that you are not the only one!
CDHD - so now I have a label!
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