Saturday 22 August 2009

Wordless Weekend


Becky said...

I loved stomping in puddles at that age, and sometimes even now :)

Mel said...

The essence of childhood, bright gumboots and a large puddle to splash each other in! Love it!

Mrs Button said...

Puddles and small fry - a recipe for fun! Lisa.

Carolyn said...

splash splash

Little Munchkins said...

Stepping on puddles is always fun!

Munchkin did that recently, only she wasn't wearing her gumboots but her clean white leather shoes. I was not impressed!

Nikki said...

No words are need for this photo Karen xx

Lily Mulholland said...

I used to go puddle jumping with Rom. Can't wait till Tristan is big enough to don the gumboots and we can all go together. Great photo Karen :)

Amy Seven-Stitches said...

So much fun. I love that they have almost lined up in order of height to do it, with the littlest still jumping at the back

cherri said...

Lovely picture!

Anonymous said...

Yay for gumboot fun!

Cindy said...

What is it with kids and puddles, it is like a moth to flame! Poppy is nuts for even the tiniest puddle, gumboots or not