Ellieboo's Eye Spy theme - 'Something red' got me in as it means a chance to show off my new favourite book.

This gorgeous book is by Jane Godwin and illustrated by Anna Walker, and while I admit it is the divinely simple illustrations that got me in, the sweet and poignant story is also a winner.

The story is simple - Little Cat catches the bus to school with her big sister, but one day Cat's sister is sick.
What happens next left my two older girls wide-eyed, but I won't spoil it for you.

Suffice to say - it's a kids book - so you are pretty well guaranteed a happy ending.

PS - on a separate note - thanks to all who responded to my last post - I read everything you wrote and plan to respond personally - it's just been crazy busy around here!
I'l also post a composite of some of the comments so you can all enjoy each other's words of wisdom.
Karen, it looks like a gorgeous book (the splashes of red in the illustrations are really lovely).
I was a bit of a bookworm as a child, and want to instill a love of books in my own children. We read every night (and sometimes during the day) and visit the library weekly.
Gorgeous illustrations, I can see why you were drawn (boom boom) to this lovely looking book.
Gorgeous book. There are such amazing kids books around with incredible illustrations. I can see why you chose to share this one. :o)
Wow, I've not seen this book before. It looks great. Thanks for the tour!
Looks like a great book! I'll have to hunt down a copy of it I think :)
Some kids books are great , do you know it off by heart by now .
I love the picture of the road map, wouldnt it make great fabric...
Wow - the illustrations in this are just divine!!
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