I tend to think of funky bags or hairclips or even a handmade brooch for friends my age but am not sure that this is right for the more mature lady!
So I wanted to come up with something that suited this age - just a small gift of thanks for four great ladies who run the playgroup that our two eldest girls attend each week.
I wanted to do these tea towels and pot holders but for the life of me could not find plain white waffle tea towels, which I love the look of, anywhere.
Once I had these in my head nothing else would do of course.
(If you know where to get them in Melbourne, please leave a comment and put me out of my misery!)

I came up with this little care pack of tissue cover, matching hand-towel and soap.
I still used the tea towel tutorial above by 'I have to say', just did it on a hand towel. Then I used this tutorial by tutti frutti for the tissue holders, which are super-easy to make.
The fabric is all from Anna Maria Horner's chocolate lollipops range that I bought from Amitie a while back.
Soaps were a pack of five I got at a discount department. I took the outer wrapper off, then added a piece of spotty chocolate grosgrain ribbon using some double sided tape.
My husband said this gift perhaps implies I think they are snotty, dirty and smell bad.
That's definitely not the case, I'm sure they won't take it that way.
I just need to buy the tissues and wrap them then we're good to go.
I think they are a great gift idea Karen and they won't take them the wrong way. Very practical and look gorgeous too.
What a great idea and a lovely gift.
Thanks for the link to the tutorial, I will add this to my list of 'to do' projects.
Karen they look great.
Lovely gift idea! You've done a great job!
they are beautiful. fwiw, i'm under 30 (so not grandmotherly!) and i would still be thrilled to get one of those as a pressie.
Oh what would he know - LOL - I must admit you do sort of think that dont you!
The look great and the colours are fab!
I have some waffle weave fabric - perfext for tea towels and I owe you some fabric from a zillion years ago. Can you e-mail me your address and I will put it in the post. hsnell at bigpond dot net dot au
PS I love the gifts you came up with.
I have some waffle weave fabric - perfext for tea towels and I owe you some fabric from a zillion years ago. Can you e-mail me your address and I will put it in the post. hsnell at bigpond dot net dot au
PS I love the gifts you came up with.
If you're looking for more waffle weave fabric later on, I found it not long ago (after searching everywhere!!) at Bustle and Bows at 164 Union Rd, Surrey Hills (http://www.bustleandbows.com.au/).
LOL at your DH's comment! MEN!! LOL
What a stellar idea! I've been worried about what to get my Grammy .. this might be it!
Any ideas for Grandpa?
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