OK so it's another Sound of Music reference, I can't help it... it's a type of sickness - just ask my husband, he's lived with it for years.

Today I went shopping for my two nephews, both of whom have a birthday tomorrow (happy birthday Oliver, happy birthday Alexander!), and while shopping I found this...

It is of course The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, and is one of my all time favourite kids books. I remember reading it with my eldest niece, Teniah and she used to have this cute toddler way of saying sausage (shaushage) and cherry pie (chey pie) when we got to those items in the story.
We introduced the girls to this story a long time ago and it is fast becoming a favourite for them too, but they are not yet great with paper pages, particularly when wrestling each other for the book, so this was a real find.
It's a gigantic board book - with a soft toy caterpillar that fits through the holes in the pages of the book. To give you perspective on the size, here's a shot with little hands in it...

And another great thing is it was a super special - reduced from $34.95 to $8.75, so really, how could I say no.
Apart from that I finished another of the little Ottobre tops last night - one for Miss L. I'm really happy with this one as I worked out the whole neck band with zipper thing - and it's much neater. Also made it a little longer as I have worked out our girls are quite long in the body so I need to lengthen things to fit them.

Now the sad news - the foot pedal for my sewing machine has had to go in for repair, I will be without it for at least a week. So no sewing for me for a little while, but least it will force me to trace and cut out some more things, two tasks I do only when I have nothing left to sew.
Oh I love this book too, and what a bargain!
The top is gorgeous as well of course, very cute fabric!
I Mr Fixit can fix your poor sewing machine super quick for you.
What a fabulous find that book is - it is one of my favourite things also (I think with our sound of music references it is likely we are have a few similar favourite things! Any chance there were more of those books, and if so where???
i love all of eric carle's books! i miss having little ones around as as an excuse to read eric carle books.
the ottobre top is adorable. such great patterns.
Oh no - what are you going to do with no pedal - you could sit and manually move the foot up and down if you were really felling like sewing (no - overlocking is a much better idea!)
The top looks fantastic! And what a find with the book - well done - Amelia received one when she joined the library in NT - but it was only a little one and did not have that cute little caterpillar!
The VHC is a firm fave here too - we have the small board book - no caterpillar alas!
Great work on the top too. Bad luck about the pedal foot! LOL at Kylie's suggestion!
Another fan of the book here. Haven't read it to my boy yet, must get it down off the shelf. Years ago I made a felt story for my class, so somewhere in a box around here is a pile of felt foodstuffs and a flat felt caterpillar!
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