This little top is from one of my wonderful Ottobre magazines - which til now I have just admired but not actually tried to sew anything from. A lack of clothing that fit comfortably for Miss A, led me to try my hand at this little pink number.
The fabric is probably a little stretchier than this pattern was designed for - but it seemed to work fine anyway. I got it on the bargain table at Spotlight - buy one metre get one free - so the fabric in the top probably cost me all of 50 cents.
It's always worth a look through the bargain table, you never know what you might find - my mum is very jealous that her local Spotlight don't have one.
The actual zip, of which I was so fearful, went in fine but the neck trim near the zip at the back is a little rough and will require some fine tuning for my next attempt at this pattern. Also I should remember to iron the top before she wears it, but generally I'm pretty happy with the result, and Miss A seems to be too.
This pic is not related to anything in particular - just one that I love. It was taken last week on the way to the park.
I like to think of it as "the long and the short of it!!"

Well done for conquring your fears witht he zip - the first atempt I did I turned into a little purse - so well done for putting it in a top (do you think that you could have gotten away without one being a stretchy material???) I will have to look into buying some Ottobre magazines - just a little scared of them at the moment and knowing that I have to trace everything off!
Wow, your top looks great! And what a cute model to show it off!
It's been years since I've put a zipper in anything, but you've got me thinking maybe I should attempt the Jacket I've been putting off...
That looks great! I have some of that fabric here from a Valentines swap I think. I might have to try it for my niece.
Well done you Karen! Zips are always a bit daunting. I am making my nephew some jeans from the current Ottobre and the zip is looming!
Love the photo too - very cute.
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