Saturday 19 January 2013

Hello 2013!!


Is anyone still there!??

Just let me say, I love summer and school holidays.
It's a chance to get all the gang together; to get out and about and do all the things we miss during the school year.

I'm not going to go into everything we've been up to - it would take me too long to catch up and I already have lots to share with you.

So here's a little photo montage of some of what we've been up to...

It includes city visits to shows and exhibitions, family and extended family holidays, lots of water play at the beach and in the pool, parks, last day of school, Christmas lights, special birthday celebrations and even a tiny bit of sewing!

(If you follow me on Instagram then most of these photos are probably old news as I find it really quick and easy to just post a daily pic (or two!) about what's been happening. Sorry if that applies to you!)

Regular programming will resume shortly...


Jane said...

All those photos made me smile! Looks and sounds like a lot of fun.

Seaweed and Raine said...

Ha! I refreshed the page and there they were!!!
Love the love heart at the end. :)