Thursday 11 October 2012

KCWC - Day 3

Let's call this one, the day when things didn't quite go to plan...

The plan was to trace and cut the beautiful Croquet dress by Oliver + S. 
The reality was, after school the girls mentioned something about the Sea/Hawaiian themed school disco being on tomorrow night, not next Thursday as I had firmly fixed in my head....

Strips of silver lycra on elastic and a Brooklyn tank ready for the disco
The girls had previously asked if they could wear the mermaid costumes I made for their fifth birthday, which was fine by me.
They have grown taller but not wider, so the issue was the tops were not really appropriate to wear out in public and also they needed bather bottoms to go under the scant skirts.

I had already calculated that Miss L's new two piece bathers were ready to go - but Miss A needed a new top (she's going to wear L's blue bather bottoms under her pink skirt - shock horror!).

And so the reality tonight became cutting and sewing up another little lycra singlet top and also creating the six silver sparkly arm bands they requested to go around their wrists "for when we are dancing".

And yes I said six - because of course the smallest kid (who's not going to the disco) had to have a pair too.

The catalyst for such armwear?? The 'big' grade six girls wore them in black recently for the school concert when they were dancing.
Obviously they made an impression, I hope these ones do too!

How was your day today - did everything go to plan or not so much??

No new patterns in this lot (no I am not going to count the armbands!) so I still have to bust out at least one new pattern for the month.


Shell said...

Oh dear, best laid plans .... My day was better, a ruffle top done & worked out my new ruffle foot, yay! Good luck for day 4!

Kylie said...

I'm glad that I am not the only one that plans don't go as well as I had hoped. I'm heading to retreat with not a thing cut up, a messy house and a fuzzy head (maybe it was not such a great plan to have the AGM on the same weekend)

Caroline said...

My daughter would LOVE those sparkly armbands!

Good luck with croquet dress. I have had my eye on it for a while...

Seaweed and Raine said...

May your sewing machine sew quickly and without any misshaps. :)

LoriAnne said...

Oh, so cute! Check out my blog at and have a great day!

Sally said...

Oh my! It does sound all very complicated!!! Feeling a bit old and on the outer re: what the grade 6s think is cool. :)