Tuesday 10 April 2012

Gone to the dogs

Over the Easter break we headed off to spend some time with my parents, and part of our visit included a day trip to the Victorian Utility Sheep Dog Trials.

Mum had forewarned me that the set up was not exactly like that of the sheep dog trials in Babe, but a bit more rustic!

There were lots of lovely (and very active!) dogs there, including a number who look like Pepsi, the much-loved constant companion of Miss G as seen below.

Getting to know the real live 'Pepsi'

This puppy is generally clutched under her arm most days
There were races with dogs that ran so fast they were over in a flash, 

Great fun to watch but near impossible to photograph!
There were cute and inquisitive little pups watching on,

She was itching to be out there
There were lots of new canine friends to be made,

And there was dog high-jump that had to be seen to be believed, complete with 'catchers' in case they didn't make it up.

No chance of keeping this fella in a suburban backyard!
And of course all the usual dog behaviour!

I was trying to get a pic of the Border Collie and found I had this when I reviewed my photos!
We also saw dogs herding sheep in and out of pens and paddocks and wanted to stay for the duck herding but rolling black clouds and a lack of appropriate cold-weather gear saw us hit the road again.

Fresh country air and plenty of running around worked wonders for three small city girls, with the youngest electing to put herself to bed after dinner!


trash said...

What an ace day out. Countryside fun is the best. We have hedgelaying competitions, ploughing matches that take place over a season as well as sheepdog trials.

Annie said...

These are such special dogs. My dad had a brown one and he was such a faithful friend. Your girls are SO gorgeous Karen.