Wednesday 24 August 2011

The simple things...

I found this lovely floral 'display' decorating the table the other day and was reminded that the simplest things can bring pleasure.

My girls had picked these from our front lawn.

Thos among you who could be classified as having a green thumb will know they are not any type of exotic bloom, but rather a weed.

But if you look at them through a child's eyes they are bright and pretty.

Hope you find something simple in your day that delights you.


Caroline @ Artfully Caroline said...

So sweet. My little bug also regularly plucks flowers from out front yard for me

Adriana said...

I remember picking these as a child.
I always thought they were bright and pretty.
Hope you have a lovely day.

Jenny from Ohjoh said...

So sweet and I think I spy a daffodil in amongst them too

Jennifer said...

That is so sweet. Ella picked me a load of clover and their respective flowers when she was at my mums a couple of weeks ago and as she gave them to me she said "I love you mum" melts my heart every time.

Seaweed and Raine said...

Weeds CAN be bright and pretty, can't they? (Plus one non-weedy daffodil). I love that they chose glasses of different shapes and sizes to change it up. They obviously have a good eye! ;)

ARTwendy ... said...

Love it!! & the choice of glass ware ... go girls ... PS: I have your KITE & certificate & goodies ... xxx

Anonymous said...

We all should look at things through children's eye sometimes...

Liz said...

A weed is just a flower that hasn't found a home yet..
So pretty and so much love with them.

willow and moo said...

So sweet! We have those and dandelions in our yard. :D Mollie has been asking me to plant some other flowers.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, that's beautiful. I love what Lizzie said. I am going to steal that phrase and apply it to all the lovely flowering weeds that surround my house.

Sally said...

Gorgeous... they're beautifying your table and weeding the front lawn for you... now that is a generous and loving act.
How delightful. Yellow always makes me smile. You're a very fortunate woman to have three children that love you so much.

Becky said...

It looks like Oxalis. My kids have not started picking flowers much yet :(