
Wednesday 26 May 2010

How do I explain....

I've been a bit absent from here of late.

Not intentionally - I just find that by the time I get through all the activities of each day there is not much time left over, and when I have projects on the go or gifts to make my spare time tends to be spent at the sewing machine.

But I want to do a very belated wrap-up of Sew It Together. It's hard to put into words what it was all about, and how great it was, but I will try.

Group photo of attendees by Susan

I know there's been a lot said - I just want to reiterate what a fantastic event it was - and to thank Sheridan and Donna for the incredible amount of work they did for it and for really giving people a chance to connect in a meaningful way.

What I enjoyed most was the chance to meet and spend time with a really incredible group of women, some of whom I had met before, others who I felt like I already knew, having 'chatted to' them online for a long time and some who I have only got to know in the last few months.

My lovely buddy Cass and I finally met!
(photo by Cass)

It was wonderful to have complete conversations about 'grown-up' topics with other like-minded adults.
And to speak of sewing to someone whose eyes don't start to glaze over slightly as the conversation progresses (sorry honey, but they actually do!).

The amazing thing was, we didn't just talk about craft. There were some very real conversations.

We spoke of things relevant to raising a family, from schooling to self-esteem and the teachings of the Dali Lama, to volunteering in the community to parenting twins and girls, and how to fit sleep, work and craft/time for us into our lives.

(Photo by Mary Jane)

I also met some lovely new people who had come from near and far, some from very far to be involved! And put faces to the names of blogs I read.

Apart from all that I have mentioned, I also came home with a bag full of goodies.

The fabulous sponsors gave us all some crafty treats including patterns, fabric and buttons and I also won a copy of the Redondo skirt pattern by Studio Tantrum from Crafty Mamas which I can't wait to try out.

Sheridan made me the sweetest little tissue case embroidered with my inital for having a few things dropped off at my place to save her lugging them down.

Carmel whipped up these super gorgeous gifts for me using that adorable Let's Explore Britain fabric as we were roomies for the weekend (yep she got the luxurious accomodation of my loungeroom floor!!

And I joined in Cass's sample swap so got six lovely creations from the other swapees!

Gorgeous pear pin-cushion from Lizzie, Cass made everyone a bag (and gave us some other goodies I forgot to photograph), Sheridan did linen tea towels (which she individually named!!), Donna crocheted us all a colour-themed dishcloth, Sophie made very sweet pin-cushions in a little ramekin and there was a super-crafty pouch from the hilarious and super-crafty lady herself, Trash.

Phew - can you see now why I have needed time to recover??!

What with cocktails and a chance to explore Nikki's studio on Friday night and then dinner out on Saturday night where I met some lovely ladies who didn't come to the crafting session, it really was a fantastic time.

I will definitely be making the trip to Sydney next year to be involved again.


  1. you summed that up so well Karen!

    Hopefully will see you prior to Sydney though ;)

  2. Karen it was fantastic to meet you too and I can't wait for next year although I'm hoping to persuade Jeff that a trip to Melbourne for Mary Poppins is in order.

  3. Lovely wrap up of the event. Wasn't it the best. Thanks again for the beautiful name badge you made me. I hadn't seen the group shot either, it came up well.

  4. You are so sweet and it was so wonderful to meet you. We all did have lots of fun! How is that Mama Mia song going?

  5. Sounds amazing, Wish I could have been there too!

  6. I've been a bit hit and miss in blogland of late. Have loved looking at your pics. Also very jealous of your little bit of grown up time. Aside from the sewing, any chance to catch up on a bit of twin parenting advice would be a bonus. Lisa x

  7. Wow! It must have taken you weeks to do all those links!!

    Fantastic to meet and chat with you. 'Twas grand.

  8. Ditto to meeting you, we must have a kiddy catch up day (they play, we sew!)

  9. Great wrap up Karen! Wasn't it SEW much fun?? LOL sorry, couldn't help myself. Looking forward to Sydney too!

  10. I am totally going to go to that next year! If Sheridan has picked herself up off the floor by then :)

    So glad you got away from it all (aka housework and the kids) for just a smidgin of time. You deserve it.

    (I, too, have been very absent in blogland lately. Life, you know?)


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