You'll see that my bird, while not as nicely shaped, greatly resembles hers.
That's because I have determined that there are two main types of crafty folk - the 'makers' and the 'creators'.
I'm the former.

I can follow most patterns with relative ease and make an item according to a set of instructions provided, using a design that someone else has created, but I can't wing it.
My brain doesn't seem to function that way.
I don't 'create' as such, I'm not brimming with clever ideas of how to make new things from items others have discarded, like Kirsty.
I don't come up with musical instruments and games for the kids like Nikki.
And there's no way in the world I could develop a pattern from scratch like Nikki does.
So I loosely copied Gina's bird (she states on her thread sketching page that this is OK!) and stitched him onto a comfortable and loose plain cotton shirt I had.
And while I will in no way claim the idea or the technique to be my own, I really love wearing this little bird shirt and am very gratefully for people like Gina, Kirsty and the two Nikki's for sharing the clever things they come up with.

So, which are you?
A 'maker' or a 'creator'??
You've done a lovely job, and what a difference it makes to a plain top!
I think I fall into both categories - I'm happy to wing it, or to follow a tutorial or pattern. It usually depends on what sort of mood I'm in.
You did such a great job on the sketching, your top looks fabulous! I bet you get so many compliments when you wear it out.
With my crochet I mostly make, but then I have only been doing it for about 8 months and there are so many amazing and easy to follow patterns out there. With my sewing I mostly create but only because I am lazy and impatient. I have an idea and need to cut it out and make it immediately. Even when I do follow a pattern I find myself taking shortcuts along the way.
Your top looks fantastic Karen! I place myself into the maker camp too - thank goodness there are those marvellous creators out there too who are so willing to share their imaginations with us. And hey, making is fun!
I am a maker. Maybe one day when I get more making under my belt I may delve into the world of creating, or maybe not...
I love your thread sketching, it really looks great on the white shirt :)
Love the top! I'm 100% a maker. I need a pattern, detailed instructions, that's me! Susan
I'm afraid Im a " maker" as well. My creations just never work as well as my makings.
Love the top, I would love to try that.
Your top looks fantastic!
I'm a creator for sure, I find patterns and tutorials difficult to follow, I can't read a map either lol I see things and get inspired or a combine patterns that I have and come up with something of my own. I've always been like this.
Aren't us makers glad that these blogs exist. Such a wonderful source of material to draw upon.
I am a maker who likes to wing it more often that she should.
I flip and flop between the two. When I am learning something new I am definitely a maker but then once I get the hang of something my head gets filled with ideas of new creations and methods and the like.
I think the distinction is pretty blurry. Even if you make something following a pattern there are lots of decisions that go into the process such as choosing fabrics, embellishments, colours of cotton.
Oh I am definitely a maker - when my friends tell me how clever I am to sew such lovely things I try explain the same way you have.
The shirt looks fantastic, well done.
I too am a maker, would ove to be a creator but I will leave that to those that know what they are doing. The shirt looks great:)
Oh it looks fabulous! Well done, and I'm so very glad you tried it (and used the idea I gave, which is why I gave it!).
Tee hee - I have discovered through blogging to my surprise that I'm a creator, but this year I'm very much trying to cross back into the 'maker' camp in order to create some better-made items. I suspect that learning the rules will only result in me trying to break them all over again though.
Great post Karen.
I do attempt to be a "maker" at times, but I generally just end up being a "Creator". I need to put my own spin on things :D
Love the top by the way. :D
Great top - very distinctive. I'm a maker and starting to verge on creator - though it's easier to make, but the more I make the more I'll be able to create!
the top does look ace.
And never underestimate the power of being a Maker.
We have to come up with the colour combos, where to put what, eye for detail when we are top stitching etc...
I would love to be a creator, but with so many beautiful patterns and fabrics around that the creators share with us, why not accept it and fly!
I'm a make-it better-er. I usually say craftsman vs artist. I don't have the "juice" to have completely new ideas. (Is anything completely new? But you know what I mean.) I really admire those that get "ideas". On the flip side, I never make anything exactly like a tutorial. I improve everything, often draft my own patterns to get said improvement. Not to knock artist-types but I think they might be thrust along by their muse. While I am free to examine the details and techniques to find upgrades. All of that is creative to a degree... but still, I'm a maker.
Well - you've already stated which camp I'm in, but I have to say hip-hip-hooray for the makers.... for without you, where would wecreators be? (and I also have to say, that you are very creative as a maker!).
Well I respectfully disagree! You just have your hands so full with family stuff that your brain doesn't have the space to create. But, by the time they leave home (hohoho), you'll have so much experience at making that you'll find the process of creating will come to you easily! Love the bird too!
Easy to see why you love wearing the shirt Karen... you've done a brilliant job. You are a clever maker. Thanks for the incredibly sweet things you have said. It's funny how you see yourself compared to how others see you. Thanks for making me take a different look. You have made me feel great. xxx
I'm a maker, to be sure, but I'm too impulsive to stick to a pattern. Or a recipe, for that matter. I love the feeling of coaxing forth something from nothing, but need the instant gratification that comes from doing it my way. Even when I know full well that The Real Way will be sturdier, or prettier, or flat-out better. Hmm...
Just found your blog! Loving it all and love that bird!!
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