Lately I've been noticing small girls pulling at their knickers far too often for them to be feeling comfortable in them so decided it was time to pull out the That Darn Kat undies pattern again.

So this time I cut out four pair each in reverse colours. I picked up the pink fabric at Spotlight on the bargain table a while back and by coincidence Corrie gave me some of the blue when she was de-stashing to move back to Sydney after a stint in Melbourne.

I didn't plan to do white trim but it was the only colour that worked with the pink and blue.
So why make the girls knickers you may well ask???

These undies have no elastic in them, just the rib trim. Comfort factor is high.
I don't have to go through the "but I want pink/Elmo/Dorothy/pony ones the same as she has" each morning.
They are a lovely cut, modest but not neck-to-knee.
When you are making a lot they don't take too long to make and so are very inexpensive.
I know they will last!! The leg elastic will not pull away and neither will they wash badly/discolour or become misshapen.
I can custom fit them for long bodies that are not very wide.
Give them a try - you won't be disappointed.
Great idea Karen! I should do some for my girls. Have been enjoying your blog, by the way. Great to see you posting more often!
These are so great, Karen! Good to know you like the pattern, too. I'll have to keep it in mind. :o)
how cool are these cute knickers!!!
I made iris some back in january but didnt use any sort of pattern, they came out wearable BUT like you say the elastic annoys her no end so they are the last to be worn
I should get this pattern and give them a whirl as its hard to find decent underwear for lil girls its all commercial junk
:)these look so pretty too perfect
Don't know what Rom would think about homemade knickers LOL! What kind of stretch knit is it?
How delightful are they, they look like a mini version of the bonds boy leg (my favourite undercover apparel for comfort!) ... I bet they are a lot softer than commercial underwear for little ones and no scratchy tags!!! Jaida would love these!
Gorgeous! My little boy loves his hand made undies too.
Awesome Karen. I really need to get over my stretch/knit fabric fear so I can make some of these
I love these! Reminds me that I bought that pattern from her when there was all the talk in the EB sewing group awhile ago, about time to dig it out and use it I think...
These look great - must put them on my to-do list for my girl.
I still haven't made any yet! I really need to get to it, but I suppose, for the moment, undies can wait since DD only want Dora undies.
i love that pattern too- they fit really really well! Youve inspired me to cut a few more out.
I've been wanting to try these for ages, yours look great.
cute knickers! where did you find the pattern - they look great..
Love these! I've seen them on other blogs and have wondered if I should give them a try since my daughter is forever pulling her undies up and out of you know where. I was starting to think she has a strange bum shape but maybe she just needs some mummy made undies?
just signed up for the Blogtoberfest and brand new to blogging, I am trying to checkout all the blogs on Tinniegirl's list. Your blog is very interesting, thank you for sharing :)
Such a great pattern, love the colours together, they look so comfey I think I want some too.
I love these undies. Just so cute.
Just fabulous Karen. They are gorgeous!!!
Yet another reason to look forward to toilet-trained children.... cute undies! It makes so much sense to make brand-free, comfy undies for little bottoms Karen. The ones you have made are so cute they made me giggle!
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