Come on - we've all had that feeling of joy when completing a project.
Satisfaction, happiness and a sense of pride at acomplishing something.
You can see it here in Miss L's face, holding up her first item of sewing. (which she later taped to the window in our study she was so pleased with it!)

I debated whether to ask the 'man in the red suit' to bring the girls a small sewing machine for Christmas but received advice to the contrary from my online sewing buddies.
Instead it was suggested by
Cass that I teach them to use my machine properly.

This was met with a sense of amazement from a few of my friends as even they expressed fear at the sight of that sharp needle bobbing up and down and after all my older two girls are only three and half years old.
But with careful guidance (use your hands to guide the fabric, don't push it through or hold it tight, don't drop the presser foot lower it down) and establishing safety rules (never put your foot near the foot pedal until you are ready to sew, only ever use the machine with Mama there to help as it is not a toy) the girls took to it like ducks to water.

I placed the machine on their little table and they sat on their stool to sew so everything was at an appropriate height for them, making it easy to control.

Now I fear only a couple of things, my fabric stash being diminished for doll clothing and not getting enough time on my machine for me!
That's awesome Karen - what clever girls. I would have thought they were 4.5 -5years old - are they tall?
Great job - good luck with getting the machine to yourself!
That's so cute. They'll be sewing up a storm in no time!
oh oh oh this is too lovely!
I think its wonderful that the girls are so interested and that your taking the time to share such a wonderful pastime/skill with your little ones!
My son uses the silly gilly sewing cards but im yet to let him loose on my sewing machine although I think you've inspired me to let him have a whirl xxx
The look of concentration on their little faces! You are right, you are going to have to have some sort of timetable to share the machine now.
Good on you for being brave! They do look very proud indeed. Imagine how accomplished they will become. I had a friend who learned piano at 3 years old and by 13 years old had finished all the grades and was studying her AMus. These girls will be amazing seamstresses!
Wow! Your girls did a great job! And you too!
Well done girls and well done Mum for having the faith they could handle a real sewing machine instead of a toy.
Perhaps man in red could bring them a basic model machine so your machine time is not diminised, and then you could sew together.
Karen, that brings back so many really is the most exhilarating feeling when you finish your first project....gorgeous girls!
I bet that was way more fun than using a toy machine! Were you a little apprehensive as you placed the machine on their table?
Karen well done on letting them use the machine. I don't want to say "I told you so" but I told you so! And well done to Alice and Lucy for great sewing.
Well done, I love that first sewing project, you should frame it! Maybe keep an eye out for a cheap secondhand machine for the girls so you can still get to yours when you want to :)
An awesome achievement.
My son (2.5yrs) has expressed a desire to have his own machine too... I was thinking the toy option too - now I'm having second thoughts. Not sure what to do because I really don't feel like sharing the sewing machine too(isn't that terrible?).
You're brave! Romily is getting my machine when she's six. I *might* let her use it before then!
Oh bless them, they look so proud.
Just for the record I wont be teaching Hallie to sew anytime soon...Im far to selfish to share my machine.
Oh how cute and look at their faces:) Have not ventured into it with Amelia - might be something that I do in the new year:)
What a great success for your girls!! We bought our (then 8 y.o.) daughter her own 'real' machine. It was a bit spendy, but we agreed that I can use it as my 2nd machine until she leaves home ;-)
I love that super proud face - gold! Caleb loves being let loose on the overlocker too. He has to do all his own pants.
Great advice from Cass. I remember when I was at uni studying teaching, a lecturer said that often it is adults who hold children back based on what they think they kids be able to do. By teaching your girls to use a proper sewing machine, they now know how. And well done to you for having the patience. Teaching is can be a tough gig!
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