It started as a birthday but came dangerously close to being a festival - with celebrations taking place over a number of days.
On her birthday we took the babe to the zoo with her sisters.

She wore her new shirt, and even kept it pretty clean.

Then a few days later we hung her party bags on the deck railing

after making sure all the goodies were tucked inside, and waited for the guests to arrive.

Of course there was cake, and yes we removed the toothpicks before putting on the candle and lighting it!

But good old watermelon was favoured over cake anyway.

Here's a somewhat average pic of the birthday outfit, which included a red spotted hairbow I made to match.

There were balloons for all the kids,

and plenty of time for a play with dad.

before getting a little tired...

She even seemed to grow up a little on the day, here she is feeding herself with the new suction bowl and soft spoon she got from my sister and family as part of her gift.
Happy birthday little one.
You really are the most delightful addition to our family and we feel very lucky to have you in our lives.
We now resume regular sewing programming!
TOO cute - looked like fun all round!
love the outfit!
What a fantastic few days Karen. Love the photos. Glad she had a fantastic time. Love the Babushka outfit. It's gorgeous.
I have been ahemmm.. *stalking* your blog all week (lol) awaiting photos! WOW, what a festival! Looks like the commeration of the 1st birthday was a fun, and memorable occasion! The babushka theme, GORGEOUS on all accounts (especially the cake!) ... Thanks for sharing the great photos!!!
It looks like you had a wonderful time! You must be totally worn out after all that! The party bags look great, as does the cake and your gorgeous little Georgia... don't they grow up fast?!
She is so pretty. I love the cake and the party bags.
What a wonderful birthday theme you chose, I'm such a fan of the babushka doll. Your little one looks like she had a wonderful day, just gorgeous!
Oh my, she actually does seem more grown up somehow. Looks like a fun day was had by all and the cake is just perfect!
Still can't believe she's one already.
Looks like a fantastic first birthday! I love everything, especially the adorable birthday outfit.
What a gorgeous day. I love the outfit and the cake wow!
Looks like she had a great day.
Happy Birthday!
Look at all that cute, goodness! Both the outfits were so sweet and the cake - what a fab idea. But they do always grow up too fast don't they
And why shouldn't a firest birthday be a festival. So much happens in that first year, it is definately worth mulitple festivities! Your girl looks like she took it all in her stride, looking fabulous in her new outfits.
Looks like loads and loads of fun - and 1 already - what a big girl! :o)
This is too fantastic! All of the details are perfect. What beautiful girls you have.
WOW AKren, what a fantastic birthday. I just love the cake, you did a great job. Your girls are all just gorgoeus.
Love the first photo your girls are delightful, you are very blessed to have such a brood!
the cake is fabulous and the party favour bags look super cute also!
great party!
What a fabulous Birthday festival!! I just love everything, esp that fantastic cake! :D
Happy Birthday Miss G! Such a big girl now, feeding herself. x
Yay, all went well and all looked fab! Love the cake, but the birthday girl was cuter!
A birthday festival? seems like a pretty clever idea to me...and she's only one...I think she has you all pretty well organized!
Oh, well done Karen! Looks like everyone had a great time. I love the party bags.. might think about having a go at something like that. Just letting you know that I still keep up with your blog, just not much sewing going on around here so haven't had anything to share with anyone.
Karen you have created a wonderful birthday party there. The goody bags and the cake are sensational.
Congrats to you, I don't know how you find the time.
Happy Birthday baby girl!!
(and Happy BIRTHday mama too!)
I love the party bags... and the cake... and the tops... you're very talented!
Looks like you guys had soo much fun. Happy Birthday to your little one. Wow the last year has flown by! And I love her birthday outfit. You are so talented!
Karen I am soooo impressed with everything you created for this birthday! The sash in the trousers to match your baboushka top was inspired, and I LOVE the cake.
Saw your post about twins, and I certainly appreciate the complexities raising twins would bring to parenting, but would love some advice about how to fit more sewing time into my week!!! you inspire and motivate me - thanks!
Take care
Happy birthday Georgia! You did fabulously with her outfit Karen, and the one tee is sooo cute! What a great idea - mind if I pinch it for further down the track? The party bags must have been a big hit too. Well done on getting everything done in time.
Well done Karen! Looks like a lot of fun was had by all, including a tired Georgia :) Love the cake!
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