I recently met Leah at Kirsty's HAC session and on perusing her blog found a little Russian doll was the motif of choice for her little girl when she recently turned one.
Leah kindly said I could 'adopt' her idea if I wanted to, so on the weekend I made a shirt for the little miss to wear tomorrow - the actual day of her birthday.
Because my machine sewing in the contrast colour looked seriously crap on the small letters, I opted for some hand sewing in front of the telly on Friday night with a friend.
Wonder how long it will take for it to get covered in cake?
Thanks Leah for your great idea!
It is gorgeous - what a great idea. I think it will take five seconds before being caked!
Hope her day is special and that the shirt is soakable. Could I please have permission to adopt this motif for my soon to be 2yr old...might have to come up with a boy version for the twin brother.
Tomorrow will be a very special day, the marking of the milestone 1st Birthday and what a beautiful little top your little girl will have to celebrate this wondrous occasion! Can't wait to see her in it! Happy 1st Birthday for tomorrow! Going to be a memorable day :)
Yay, Im so wrapped to see you made one too! Happy Birthday for tommorow and have a great day together. Thanks for the wrap!
It looks great - what a cool idea from Leah.
Happy Birthday to little miss one! She's going to look so sweet in her new top.
The top is perfect Karen. The handsewing was a great idea. I hope your baby girl has a great first birthday.
What a great idea. It's a gorgeous tee Karen. She will love it. Can't wait to see photos of the big day.
love this idea and your version is super cute! Love Kirtsy's one also
very very cool
Happy birthday little one , great shirt !
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