I've gained access to a wonderful world of crafty folk since I started blogging and I guess participating in this giveaway is just my way of saying 'thanks'.
I'm happy to post internationally so all are welcome to enter.
So without further ado - let's get into it!
I'm giving away a Super-Duper shirt for either a girl or a boy - you get to choose.

Sizing is from 1 to 7 and I have a variety of colours for both the shirts and capes that I can make it in and so will correspond with the winner for preferences after drawing.
The Super-Duper consists of the superhero's initial appliqued on the front of the shirt and then a matching cape attached to the shoulders with press-studs, so you can remove it for easy washing.
Let's face it - superheroes get pretty dirty fighting crime.

I'm also tossing in a metre of paisley fabric in lovely blue tones (that's more than a yard for you non-metric types!)
and a fabric flower brooch for you to dress up your favourite summer top or winter coat, depending on which part of the world you are visiting from (there are a few colours so you get to choose).

To go into the draw, just leave a comment (including a way to contact you via blog or email) and let me know something for which you are thankful.
Too easy.
Thanks for visiting and feel free to come back once the giveaway frenzy is over!
I'm thankful for being able to stay at home with my girl. I'm thankful for being able to do my hobby almost everyday. I'm thankful to you for having this giveaway, your stuffs are lovely. :)
Cliche perhaps, but I am always thankful for my kids.
I am always thankful that I have supportive crafty friends too :)
I am thankful for my family, whom I love more every day :)
I'm thankful for the chance to be able to work for myself at home while I spend time with my family. Oh and for learning how to sew last year because it has opened up a whole new world of etsy, blogs and seeing how generous and inspirational people can be.
I am thankful for a little girl with wild white blonde hair and a little boy with big brown moo cow eyes. (There is a theme emerging here- what proud mamas we all are!)
I am thankful for family and for my sewing machine :)
I'm thankful for being able to live in a country where we can have little luxuries like this! I'm thankful for my beautiful baby girl who's given me the inspiration to get involved in this sewing community and make new friends along the way :)
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
What I am most thankful for is evident all around me, at all times, My absolutly beautiful daughters all four of them. Definitely a theme happening here lol!
I am thankful that I have my own little superhero in my life and another one (hero or heroine!) soon to arrive :) Susan
I am thankful that we are able to raise our children in a lovely place, surrounded by lovely, genuine people.
Hi Karen, your sample top is gorgeous.
I am thankful for my husband, and my Son.
Oh Karen - I've always coveted those capes. Jack's favorite phrases at the moment are 'Big Jump!' and 'Fly, zoom zoom' - do you think he needs the encoragement?
I'm thankful that he is strong and healthy enough to jump, able to tell me about it, and that he hasn't hurt himself doing it...YET!
(Drop over and see mine if you want to play)
I'm thankful for a bright and healthy wee girl, and for a community of like minded crafty gals.
I'm loving the super capes!!
I know a cheeky nearly 4yo who would LOVE one of your cape tees!
I am thankful for ABs and Nurofen. Poor Tristan has been very sick this week...
Such cute capes Karen! I am so thankful for being part of such an amazing supportive family
Im thankful for my family, but also thankful to be able to raise them at such a time of technology and in a place of such opportunity!
Love the paisly! And have always loved your capes!
I'm thankful for my family! Thanks for the great giveaway!
love it, know several kiddies who will be fighting over it if I win - I live in hope !!
THIS is definately the cutest thing I've seen today!!!! I love the idea!!
I'm thankful for my family. Here in the United States we just celebrated Memorial Day on Monday and so I'm thinking of all my loved ones who have passed on.
I am thankful to be home with my kiddies - time away is wonderful, but it is always nice to get home. :o)
I am thankful for the internet--because I am so inspired by all of these blogs! Seriously, where would I ever see things like this in real life?
I am thankful for my parents as they always give me wonderful advice but they are in Scotland and i'm in Canada so i'm also very grateful to have fantastic friends
Wow! You are so generous! Love the ideas!
I am thankful for this little munchkin that is standing here bugging me to get off the computer and walk in the rain with him so he can use the umbrella:)
I'm thankful for medical care that saved my kiddos life. I'm watching my two year old run around in the sunshine... a scar on her head from brain sugery, a scar on her chest from open heart sugery, a feeding tube... and she's perfectly healthy now. I'd love to be entered!
My little superhero would love this! I am thankful for said little superhero as well as his big sister, but I'm also REALLY thankful for the time I have to myself when they are away at Nana's.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
as many of us :)) I am thankful for my family, MY KIDS :)))
count me in, please!!
great parcel :))~love everything :)
go see my giveaway
hugs Isabel
I am thankful for the wonderful community of crafty folks! I love your giveaway offering!
What am I thankful for? Freedom to think, say, be and do the things I want without.
I am thankful for my siblings and nephews- one of whom would love a shirt like this.
Hi, I have a son who would love your superhero shirt! Your picutre of the children wearing their caped shirts is adorable. The handmade brooch and paisley fabric are wonderful, also!
I am thankful for life!
All is appreciated. Cindi
I'm thankful for my husband and son!
I'm thankful for my little boy, who would LOVE your superhero shirt!
kldemare [at] yahoo.com
I'm thankful for my friend Kristin, who taught me to sew and for my Aunt Carolyn, who gave me a sewing machine. The sewing/crafting community I have found is just wonderful!
oh my goodness! my wee little one would LOVE that for his 1st birthday! He will be 1 in November! I'm glad you're doing the giveaway-I'm going to check out more of your blog.
I am thankful for my daughters and my husband. My daughters give me a reason to sew and my husband gives me time to sew!
I am thankful for my children and speaking of which they would be thrilled with the cape shirt!
I will definitely be back! Look how creative you are! Thanks for all the eye candy...
Keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be the lucky winner...
Thanks for such a lovely and generous giveaway!
THOSE are adorable!!!!!
I have just the nephew in mind for this one...I'm thankful for him and that our FBI background checks came in the mail today!
I'm thankful for my family. My world would not revolve without them.
My son would *flip* for that shirt.
I am thankful for my daughter. She brightens up my life.
Thanks for the giveaway!
How cool are those capes!!! Awesome stuff.
I am thankful every day for my loving husband and my bundle of happiness, our little son.
I'm also thankful for all those die hard crafty bloggers like you that make me smile every day when I come across all the wonderful creations you make!
There are SO many things to be thankful for. I am most thankful for my relationship with God and for His love for me. He is the source for ALL good things in my life. I have a grandson (I am also thankful for)who would look great in a superhero shirt. Thanks for sharing! http://sewmanyprojectssolittletime.blogspot.com
I am thankful for my husband and children. I am also thankful that my children are looked after by their grandparents and get the best love and care possible. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway. It is a really cute shirt.
I am thankful for my twins who took 6 years to conceive.
I'm really thankful that our family is doing well in this economy. We even did ok when my husband was laid off for a while. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am thankful for my 2 beautiful girls, even when they are off school and driving me bananas!!!
Might have 2 commission an extra if I win to avoid arguements!! The fave game in these parts is "supergirl saves......." (add whatever random thing you can think of and you won't be far off the mark, today it was "odd sock monsters"!!! Go figure?!
I am thankful that there are people out there to create beautiful things and share them with others. I am also thankful that someone has little boy things to give away! There's a lot of girl stuff out there.
I'm thankful for my darling husband, who works hard so I can stay home with our babies and rarely complains when my crafting supplies take over the house! Great cape/shirts, my kids would totally fight over that!
Thankful for my wonderful family!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
Those are adorable! I have a four year old that would love that!
I am thankful for crafty people that I can "borrow" ideas from!
i'm thankful for my family who is always there for me!!!
love your blog!
I´m thankful for all the fruits God created! (I just had a fruit salad. It was delicious!!!)
Take care!
ivebeenchanged05 at yahoo dot com
wow please enter me!!
ericaloves @hotmail.com
So, that super hero top is sooo cute--my 4 year old would love that & her mom would love the fabric & pins. What a great idea and perfect giveaway!
My son always dresses up as superman. He would love this. What a great idea :)
Please count me in! Thanks! I am thankful for my family! samjerus[at]yahoo.com
My son would love the cape and shirt!
I'm sooo thankful for my marriage and children. God has been good to me!
The cape shirt is so much fun!!!
I am thankful for the opportunity to be a SAHM and spend all day with my little girl.
I'm thankful for my healthy, beautiful family, and for the days that we can enjoy together. And for the bright California poppy that decided to bloom right by my front door!!
I'm thankyou for living in Australia!
Your stuff is so darling
I am most thankful for my loving family and friends. I love that little girl hero shirt! So adorable.
I'm thankful for my dear little nephew, who would love to run madly around the garden in that wonderful cape!
Lovely generous giveaway.
I am thankful for the 22kg of yummy apples we picked on the weekend, and all the delicious things we have been cooking with them.
I love your blog. I have two little girls that I stay home with and am very Thankful that I can do that. I would love to be your winner!
How beautiful! My son would love the outfit! And I would love the crafty goodness.
I am so thankful for my hard-working husband who lets me stay home with my absolutely adorable toddler.
I am thankful for my daughter and husband. They make life worth living.
I'm super thankful for my excellent health... it means I am able to do so many wonderful things!
i'm so thankful for the twins- my niece and nephew who will fight over this shirt!
How darling. The granddaughter would love that shirt and grandma would love the rest.
I happen to have a super hero right here in my home that would love to wear a cape everyday! I am thankful for my healthy, happy family!
First I have to say...OMG...I love the t-shirts...WAY TOO CUTE!! I especially love the pic of all the kids wearing them. So...I'm very thankful for my wonderful family, my 4 healthy children, and for my own health.
I'm so thankful for my little superhero (daughter) and I know she'd love her own outfit!
cass at daleking dot org
I am thankful to have a job in this economy. Nice idea! My son would LOVE to have a built in cape! :D
I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband and kids
I'm thankful for summer and sleeping in!
am thankful that I have a sweet little boy to wear a Super Shirt and for finding your blog through this giveaway!
I am thankful for the people who leave footprints on my heart, most especially the 3 tiny sets from my little dots. What a super duper idea. I'll be back to visit and hope you enter our giveaway.
I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. We are having a pretty hard time financially at the moment as DH just lost his job. But its just so lovely to sit down of an evening and cuddle up with my precious babies and husband. No matter how much money you have, or dont have, its something you can always be thankful for :) My 2yo son would love one of your tshirts and I would make a little pinni out of the fabric for my 8mths old . . . and keep the brooch for me :)
there is a house down the street from us that burnt down yesterday, they have 2 dogs and 2 girls. I am thankful they are alive, everyone made it out ok. I am thankful that my family is home, safe and sleeping..
thanks for the giveaway, your stuff is so cute..
I don't have a giveaway because I was "on a break"but I am doing a pattern swap if you want to come by :D
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. You can register for my giveaway at http://ratherbecrafting.blogspot.com
I am thankful that I can live with my family in this fabulous country of Australia ;)
I'm thankful for my kids and for a wonderful bunch of on-line crafty friends which of course includes you, Karen
I am thankful for my family. Both the one I was born into and the one I married into. My family is filled with supportive, hilarious, big-hearted, fun people and I love them all!
This cape shirt is fantastic and I love the photo of all the little kiddies lined up in them.
Please feel free to check out my giveaway here: http://monami.squarespace.com/ and you can reach me here iheartmonami (at) gmail (dot) com
It might sound like a canned response, but I am truly thankful for my husband and kids. Truly. Cute capes. My youngest is just getting into dressup, great for her.
I am so thankful for cool evenings after warm spring days, a sleeping toddler, and the chance to take a break and enjoy the world via my computer...
Very cool cape! Mimsey would love one! Hope I win!
I am thankful for my family! Immediate and distant. I am thankful for generous people who give away great things! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am thankful for my family. I like your fabric flowers.
Hi there - I'm thankful for after lunch snoozing!! Life with 3 littles ones and another coming is busy!
I'm thankful that we were able to have a baby after I had to have an ovary removed.
I am thankful that bubba ear infection is healing. I am thankful to our doctor.
I am thankful that our dog woke up after his surgery on Tuesday. I am thankful to the wonderful vets who treated him.
I am thankful that I have a loving family and 2 gorgeous kids. A cat that sleeps on my lap and a roof over my head, food on the table and petrol in the car.
I could go on forever with what I am thankful for.....
THat is too cute! Thanks for the fun giveaway. My little superheros would love this :)
Such cute superheroes shirts-my nephew would love it! I am so thankful to be blessed with a loving and caring family.
Elaine R
Oh, are you kidding? My youngest son would LOVE that shirt! If I don't win, I must make one ASAP. He'd wear it everywhere! Of course, he, his two brothers, and his super daddy are what I'm thankful for. I'm also thankful for this super giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!
such cute shirts!
i have a little niece who would love this, and I'd love the rest!
What a "Super" shirt. My three year old nephew would love it.
I am thankful that my family is all nearby, so we can share and be with each other.
Very cute shirt! I'm thankful everyday for my family - even for the craziness! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
What a SUPER cute idea! I am thankful for all the little small things that my children do. One is 2 and the other 2 months. I have to appreciate the small things they do to tell me that they love me.
eric_danielle at netzero dot com
Just thankful for it all. Fantastic shirts.
dubosehouse at gmail dot com
Today..i'm thankful for happiness and love in the baby marriages of my daughters!
Love your broachs. Great blog. thanks
I am thankful for a wonderful family and a healthy, happy child. Amen! Thanks for offering these items! kelliemorgan17@gmail.com
I'm thankful for my mom who passed on her creative genes to me!
i am thankful for my son and the opportunity I have to work from home so I can be with him. He would love this shirt!
I'm thankful for the peace I can leach from my children, it helps me be patient. ~H
Pick me; pick me!!!
I thank God every day for all the things I have: family, health, a roof over my head, food on my plate and friends.
I am thankful that my family is healthy and happy.
thse flowers are so cute!
I'm great for my girls! as long as they are healthy and well - everything is well!
thanks for this chance to win!
i am thankful for wonderful family and friends!
I'm thankful for all my quilting friends. And thank you for the chance.
I am thankful for my creativity! B/c it allows me to have fun with my family and keep me happy all in one.
That is THE awesomest shirt EVER - my 3 year old daughter was JUST asking me for a superhero cape.
I am thankful for my family! They are always there when needed and when not needed... LOL
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Cassie Driver
The Ts are great! I've never seen anything like them before. Love the birthday party shot!
I'm very thankful my husband and I are able to work part-time and can both spend more time at home with our son.
Oh I am thankful for so much, including my super hero niece who would love the costume!!
I am thankful for my wonderful family. Thank you for this giveaway too!
I am thankful for my son who gives me great joy everyday. Thank you for the giveaway and I will be back to see your site.
I'm thankful for my 2 super boys and my super girl coming in July! Thanks! tiffeg at gmail.com
I'm thankful for my boys! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am so very thankful for my children. I have five and each one is such a joy to me!
That picture of all the junior superheros is so adorable!
I am thankful for my little ones, even if they are constantly stuffing things down the heat vents.
im thankfull for having helthy kids and my husbend and i being helthy as well! that is realy what counts in life...
thanks for the giveaway!
Karen what a gorgeous giveaway. Love the little super-hero t-shirt.
I'm thankful for creativity. I don't know where it came from or why I'm so compelled to make things. I get so much pleasure out of it that it really is a gift.
I'm thankful for the beautiful weather today! And for paisley on fabric - I am such sucker for paisley fabrics!!!
I'm thankful for chubby baby cheeks. So utterly kissable!
I'm thankful for bad days because they remind me not to take the good ones for granted.
I love the pink and brown tones of those flowers! and those capes!Darling!
I would want one for my boy in size 3.
thanks for the chance to win!
I'm thankful for my wonderful friends and family and the beautiful community in which I live
I'm thankful for my two kids but also thankful that I'll be going back to work soon (only three days a week) so that I can enjoy a hot cuppa and go to the loo when I want (by myslef)!
Love the superhero t-shirts!!
I am thankful for my health and family. I have two superhero's that would battle to wear that cape : )
I am SOOOO thankful that I always am able to put healthy, tasty food on the table for my family, when so many people are unable to do so!! Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!!
I am thankful that my family are so forgiving. I make so many mistakes.
I am thankful that my family are so forgiving. I make so many mistakes.
I am thankful for the generosity of the many wonderful people I cross paths with - Please add me to your drawing and thank YOU for giving!
Greetings from Mexico ~
OOH these capes are very cute I would love a chance at winning one.
I would have to say I am most grateful for the health of my whole family, waking up each day and having able bodies to do the things I need and want to do.
oh wow! what a wonderful idea - those capes are so clever! I am always thankful for my family and the love that surrounds me. On a slightly less serious note I am always thankful for ice cream! Thanks the chance to win such a great giveaway.
What a wonderful cape! I'm thankful for all the wonderful crafty bloggers who share tutorials, how-tos and their methods with us. I'm also thankful for my kids patience as I try out the tutorials and fit them "yet again" because cutting twice, measuring once is how I sew.
I´m from germany and hope to win this package
Oh please only problem if I win will deciding which of my two boys to get it for! I am thankful that I have an allotment and it is so peaceful up there you just relax as you walk in the gate.
I'm thankful for my family and their support. What I mean is how they allow me to express myself through what I do and how I do it
This Super-Duper shirt is just the cutest. I am like every other mum out there - I am so thankful for having a gorgeous son and a fantastic husband.
Wow, I love your idea! So coool.
I am thankful for my work - I have a job I love with my heart and soul.
I am also thankful for my husband - he is the bestest and most fantastic husband ever ;)
I am also thankful for the little sprout growing in my belly, which is due in November.
I am thankfull for another sunny day.
You can contact me via a comment on my blog or the email provided there.
I'm thankful for the love I get from my hubby and kids.
You've got a wonderful give away!
I'm thankful for my munchkins, even though they often drive me batty!
Thank for sharing such a sweet giveaway. I have several ideas for the items you are offering. My favorite color is that blue grey shade.
Good luck to you. I hope you get lots of new fans for your blog in the process. Take care.
I'm thankful for my kids, and that cute brooch (if I win it).
Today I am thankful for a beautiful sunny day we got to spend at the park.
I am so thankful that I graduated college and get to marry my favorite person in 43 days. I am also thankful that he doesn't mind helping me with quilting projects. It is fun to work with him on them.
I love those flowers and that print. It is so awesome. They are so bright and cheery. I love it. I would stick them on some handbags that I am making.
I'm thankful for my little family, my son especially. He was born at 26 weeks and ten months later, you wouldn't even know he was premature!
I am thankful for my healthy family.
Thanks for the chance to win!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Since my son was named after a super hero (Logan of Wolverine fame), it seems only fair that I enter a contest to win him some super hero duds. Thanks for the opportunity!
I am thankful for family and good friends!
Have a wonderful weekend!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I am thankful for my husband and children. I really like the Super hero shirt. My son would like it. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
I'm thankful for the opportunity to gather ideas and make contacts around the world. I'm reading a blog from Melbourne, Australia while sitting in rural Arizona, USA. How cool is that!!!
a clean kitchen floor on friday night.
I think I'm going to win!
What a great way to wear a cape!! and so generous!! We're having a give away too!!
xo Steph
I love your idea for the shirt and capes! Really cute. Thanks for playing.
Please enter me in the draw, and don't forget to enter mine. :)
Lovely giveaway! The superhero top is so adorable.
My daughter would just love this & she just meets your sizing (7) Love it!
Great giveaway Karen. Please enter me in it. I know the littlest man would look super cute in a cape. What am I thankful for...my happy, healthy kids :)
I love the item you have for your giveaway. Thanks for donating the item, your time, and the heart you put into the item. I just love handmade items. Hope you pick me! I'm thankful for prayers I've received lately.
i am thankful for my life. every day we see things and read about things in the news which remind me that most of us are so fortunate and have everything to be thankful for. life is good. = )
I'm thankful for what I have now, my husband and babygirl, my health, my own body, my parents, my loving brother, ... There's so many things to thank for!!!! You have made me realize how thankful I should be!! Thank you!!
i'm thankful for family, friends & good food. abby
On this grey morning in Wisconsin, I'm thankful for rhubarb muffins; straight out of the oven :) Thanks for the great giveaway.
I am thankful that I have two beautiful boys who make me smile everyday. Without them I don't know where I would be :D
x Mel
I LOVE this shirt! I will definitely have to frequent your blog. If i don't win I will have to make one for my little girl, who I am so thankful for each and everyday... thanks for the chance
I'm thankful for the safe birth of my son.
I am thankful for my upcoming vacation to NYC! I love your giveaway items. The superhero shirt is awesome. Thanks for your generosity!
With all the craziness in this world and our lives, I am greatful every morning just to get another day...
I am thankful for a healthy family and supportive friends. My daughter would love one of your shirts.
I am grateful for four healthy children, even if they sometimes drive me nuts!
I am thankful for my wonderful family and that my pregnancy is going well this time. Can't wait to meet my little boy!
Love the super hero shirt! Such a fun idea! Would love a broch for my drab black coat! How fun
I am thankful for all the wonderful blogs I've discovered, and thankful I have a job to feed my hobby!
I love my litte superhero.
Very sweet and fun!
waouuuu so great idea!!! please pick me!!!!
you can lay on my blog too
Those capes are a hoot, I know just who I'd give it to if I won!
I am thankful that I married such a great guy who loves me and takes good care of me.
Im thinking I maybe way too late to join this giveawy - but it is such a cool giveaway and Im gonna keep my fingers crossed and comment away. I am thankful for my crazy little redhead - who knew something so cheeky could make me laugh so much.
I am so thankful for a healthy family. and to you for a giveaway!
blrohloff at aol dot com
I'm thankful for family and the opportunity to show them that I care about them.
And thanks to you for the giveaway!
I am thankful for my family!
Every single day I'm thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my daughters. I'm out looking for sewing projects for us to start doing together.
christie (at) jewelsbranch (dot) com
Hiya. Cute idea. My daughter would get a real kick out of this. I'm super thankful that I got home safe and sound tonight from my trip to my niece's graduation.
Dear Karen, I just want to say thank you for the gorgeous brooches you sent in the Snail Blazer swap. They have been much admired by my friends as well. What lovely things you make: I love to look at them!!!
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