Because of circumstances beyond their control it's become a birthweek instead of a birthday with the celebrations concluding on Sunday, a full six days after their actual birthday.
Still who minds having to eat more cake, not them that's for sure.
I didn't make new birthday dresses - they looked sweet in the ones I made for Christmas so they did the trick.

I did however get stuck into the two cakes and having the girls request two of their favourite storybook characters made their book-mad mum very happy to oblige, and so Olivia the pig and Maisy Mouse joined the party.

I posted more pics last year on their birthday if you want a trip down the lane of my memory.
My lovely girls, you were super-cute as babies and every day you grow more and more gorgeous, spirited, bright, happy and fun-filled. You light up my world and I am so proud to be your mum.
The cakes look amazing! I have never baked any of our birthday cakes. I like Blackforest way too much and can't pass up the opportunity to have them at birthdays.
Well done on the cakes Karen, they look fantastic.Enjoy your beautiful girls being three, it is just magical! Before you know it they will be four and just too too grown up.
Happy Birthday to such big girls! Sounds like a wonderful week, Karen! :o)
Karen the cakes look great. I don't think I remember seeing a pic of the dresses which also look fantastic. I can't believe how much bigger your girls look compared to Lucy. 7 months is a long time obviously
Amazing cakes and amazing dresses. Can I ask what pattern you used sa I have that apple dot fabric and have been saving it for something special for M's 3rd birthday dress in a couple of months.
Happy 3rd Birthday to your girls. They look so cute and happy together. Great cakes and amazing dresses
Happy Birtday girls - love the cakes. Sounds like everyone had a great day. And LOL at the party lasting a week. Baden's was a bit like that this year.
I love the cakes you made! Looks like your beautiful girls both had a lovely day.
The girls look adorable in their dresses. You do a fantastic job keeping them both in matching handmade lusciousness - I love seeing pics of them in things you have made, and their cakes are beautifully done too.
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