To celebrate 100 posts (and the fact that it's also my birthday today!) I thought one of you lovely people out there in blogland should get a present.
I don't really know what it will be - depends on you and what suits you. But I will get together a little something and send it your way.
So leave me a comment and I will randomly draw out a winner on Friday who will get a surprise in the mail.
Don't just leave an "I want to win" comment, tell me a funny story or something great about your day or what the highlight of your week has been. Anything really, I don't mind.
I'll be celebrating with cupcakes in the park and two very excited little girls who will no doubt make me wear a party hat.
The best thing to happen to me what getting a phone call from my brother when he received the quilt I had made him for his birthday in which he told me how awesome the quilt was and how much he loved it!
Have a Blessed Day,
I finally was able to finish a panel for my daughters' curtains last night...they have been giving me some trouble. Now the other 3 should be easy, right?!
I was "allowed" to start a new knitting project now that February's here! :o) I'm knitting myself a cozy vest, perfect for the cold, snowy winter here!
Happy 100 posts! I've enjoyed getting to know you!
cupcakes in the park sounds like sun a fun date. I sure hope you enjoy them! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and 100th POST!!!!! *<)=)
that was my attempt at you wearing your party hat
Today is a very exciting day for me because we are going to go rock climbing. Indoor, not outdoor, but it is so much fun. I am making sure to get all my blogs in now because my arms will e too sore to move later hehe.
happy birthday, and enjoy the party hat! :) the highlight of my week? finding a discount fabric store right down the street from where i work *squeal!* somehow i don't think my husband will be as excited as i am... :)
Happy 100th and Birthday!
Today has been great. The crafting supplies I wanted to buy were 30% off at Hancock fabrics! And it's touch up the hair color day!! WhooHoo.
I love that tonight I will be spending some time with my friends crafting! Happy 100! Susan
Happy 100th and Happy Birthday! I started my day in a lovely way - a swim in the ocean with my 6.5 year old. Bliss!
Happy Birthday!
The highlight of my day was when my children went to sleep and I got to have a glass of wine in peace. It''s been one of those weeks!! :P I love them dearly I promise!
Happy Birthday Karen! I hope you enjoy those cupcakes in the park.
It's my third wedding anniversary today and to celebrate we're going out for dinner alone for the first time in over two years while my mum watches the boy and girls. I can't wait!
Happy Birthday Karen & Happy 100 posts! Have fun eating cupcakes in the park.
Tonight my best friend of 20 years and I are starting tap-dancing classes! lol Its been 15 years or more since we did dancing, but we thought we might get back into the groove and kick our heels up again! Am so looking forward to it! Nothing like a couple of 30 something ladies shaking the wobbly bits about lol :)
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for today Karen. As you know my original due date for bubby was today- your birthday, but sadly no action yet. There's still time though :o) Have a lovely day in the park with your gorgeous girls!
Monday one of my preschool students came up to me very exctied and said "Mrs. Sackrey look at my chin." I looked at her chin but I was not able to see anything amiss so I said "I don't see anything what were you trying to show me?" She looked at me with a curious expression and said "My chin." I had a good laugh at that as did the nutrition teacher visiting the classroom.
Karen happy birthday and a well done century. What was good this week, I chucked a sickie on Monday and sat on the lounge all day watching movies with no kids, we are off to Bjorn Again at the Zoo on Sunday evening so that should be nice and Charlotte is finally putting herself to sleep rather than having someone sit with her (I know she has been spoilt!)
Happy 100 posts Karen. Very exciting, and of course Happy birthday. No funny story, but I did manage to drop a whole carton of eggs at the supermaket today and then slipped over in them. DOH!!!
Happy Birthday! And happy 100th!
The highlight of my week will hopefully happen in about 10 minutes, when my little boy FINALLY goes to sleep :-0
Hope your day is going well - aren't you generous having a give-away on your birthday!
Oh, I've also got a give-away on my blog, so feel free to pop by - would be lovely to be able to give you a birthday treat!
Happy Birthday and congratulations on reaching 100 posts Karen!
A funny moment happened today, Jai had been getting a bit bored with my rummaging at the op shop this morning and started complaining that he wanted to go home. We had originally planned to go through the car wash on the way home (which he loves!) but as he was getting tired I decided to drive straight home. As we got closer Jai noticed that we were homeward bound and yelled "hey, this isn't where the car wash is!!!" I said I thought he wanted to go home, but he then said, "mummy I already told you that I wanted to go to the car wash!" Oh dear, silly me hey!!! We were only 2 streets away from home and had to turn around and go to the car wash where he squealed and laughed with delight the entire time (so much so that he woke up little miss that had been sound asleep beside him!)
Happy Birthday Karen & Happy 100 posts. I hope you have a great day with the girls, wearing your party hat.
Happy Birthday Karen. I hope you have a wonderful day eating cupcakes in the park and congrats on 100 posts. The highlight of my week is going to happen tomorrow..we are meeting the girls new pre-school teacher and they start 2 days a week, the following Thursday. Yahoo..back to one babe for two days..imagine all the sewing time!
Happy Birthday Karen! The highlight of my week has been watching Ellyse happily go off to pre prep. She is so big, yet still so little. I love her dearly and miss her like mad - even if I nearly forgot to get her today...oops.
Happy 100 Karen!
The highlight of my week? My lovely man let me sleep in the other day while he looked after the kids! And then when I woke up I went out for a bit and he looked after them, no whinging! YAY! Highlight of the day? Being told Im supermum for sewing... Its not true, but still made me feel nice :)
Have a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to you Karen - hope you enjoyed those cupcakes :)
The highlight of my week was sewing a quilt top & having my DD pkay quietly at my feet, shes finally getting to that age where not everything in my sewing room is sew tempting :)
I want to win.
Just kidding! LOL
The highlight of my week has been having a midday nap yesterday when both kids were miraculously asleep at the same time. I KNOW that you know how big a deal this is! Enjoy your birthday treats :)
highlight of my week was starting sewing lessons yesterday! I'm on my way to making a hoodie and will soon be learning how to do zips! yay! Congrats on hitting 100 posts.
Happy B-Day!! The highlight of my week will be FRIDAY when JoAnn's craft store opens in my town!! WooHoo!!
Wow, 100. The highlight of my week would have to be that the fantastic weather held up for Waitangi day so we could spend it in the sun.
happy 100 and happy birthday wow two grea things to celebrate on the same day
Congratulations on reaching 100 posts Karen - and of course your birthday for the 4th.
At the moment our funny moments are what Amelia says and does. I can not believe how much she has learnt and picked up on in just one day of three year old kinder. Todays comment to her second cousins was "outside boys and girls, outside" as she flings her arm out towards the door. LOL - kids - they are a blessing arent they.
Happy 100 posts :)
And happy birthday.
I know I missed the giveaway deadline of Friday but thought reaching a milestone deserved a comment regardless!
Looking forward to your next 100 posts :)
Happy Birthday for wednesday Karen hope you had a great day and not melting in the heat xx
Happy Birthday for Wednesday, its my birthday on the Thursday :-)
Happy news; we bought a new car yesterday!! Lots of room in the back for fabric :-)
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