That's right - this little bundle of loveliness is six months old today. (Well as it's after midnight now I guess technically it's as of yesterday!)
She truly brings us nothing but joy.

She is a calm and easy-going baby who smiles and belly laughs far more than she cries.

She laughs when her sisters make funny noises, which makes their day.
They love her a lot - almost to within an inch of her life at times.
And to think we worried about whether we'd get a difficult baby after having very easy-going twins first time around.
We feel very lucky to have been blessed with her.
To use some of her sister's vocabulary "she's a ripper!"
On another note, here are pics of her sisters one month older than she is now.
So let's settle it once and for all - who do you think she looks more like?

(Sorry about the soft-focus, the flash was startling her!)
Miss L

Or Miss A???

Oh my goodness - they look like triplets! But I think slightly more like Miss A. Time does indeed fly, I cant believe my littlee is 18 months already
I think more like Miss A as well! My baby is 1 year old now, and I can't believe it!
I think more like Miss L. They do grow up way too fast and one day you will look back and wish it had lasted forever and at the same time cherish the child you have right at that moment not willing to change a single thing.
Wow, the time really does fly, eh? She's beautiful, and I think she looks just a bit more like A. :o)
I can see a bit of both, but more like Miss A I think.
She is just gorgeous and yes these 6 months have gone so fast.
I think that she looks like herself - nut then you would know (maybe just a little more like A then L)
Yes the time is flying - Baden turned one the other day - where did that go
triplets! isn't it great when the third is so happy and obliging. I know at least 4 bubs like this, and fortunately one is my own! She just turned 1 and can seriously challenge your bubs chunky thighs!
she is just delightful!
Karen it goes so quickly doesn't it. I think she looks more like Miss L actually
I know. They'll be asking to borrow our cars soon!
Looks a tad more like Miss L, but you can definitely tell they're all sisters!
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