
Thursday, 25 July 2013

When you're on a good thing...

This little pattern has been an absolute winner for us over the years.

This is possibly the last time you'll see it as this little one finishes kinder (pre-school) at the end of this year - and to date these have been the perfect warm and comfortable kinder dress.

Most people comment to her "I love your coat..."
Small kid chose this fabric last winter at Spotlight, I cut it, it sat, the seasons changed and then this year I thought I'd better get it made or it won't fit her.

This is a perfect fit - size 5, no flannel inside this time, just a quilters cotton.

Large aqua patterned button was just right on this one
She loves it, will wear it without complaint, she's warm and dry and pretty cute in it.
Winner all round I say.

I've made a few of these before, you can see them here, here and here.

Along with her hand-me-downs she now has four - and her favourite is the one with the robot pattern she inherited from her sister, a fabric that I almost said no to.
What would I know about girls fashion...


  1. How sweet! I love a pattern that you can make over again and still love it too

  2. Very cute - all your versions of it! I know the feeling of wanting to give those little patterns one last run while you can :)

  3. Lovely dress, I can see why it's so popular :)


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