
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Pet party - the details...

OK, I am one for details so here they are, in brief!!

Party bags
Plain white paper bags from Lombards.
Then I scanned and enlarged the image that Martha provided on this page, printed, cut and glued onto the party bags.
Added googly eyes - of course!
Added a coloured paper collar and used a paper punch to cut a circle onto which I wrote the name of each guest to look like a dog tag.

Each doggy bag had a variety of items in it including these dog bone-shaped treats that I put into plastic bags and created a label for in Pages (Mac program).
I printed them onto 200gsm card and stapled them onto the bags.
They came from Oriental Trading.

These are fun and colourful but oh so sweet!
Just to amuse myself I found a kitten on Google images and sized it in pages to fit onto a party-sized Kit Kat, thus making up my own Kitty-Kats.

A huge litter of Kitty-Kats
Each bag also had an animal pencil with eraser, a paw stamper and some pet stickers.

Something to keep all little animals amused!
Everyone also left with a puppy cake pop and yes they took ages to make but they were really cute.
They were all individually bagged with a ribbon tied around them.
Bakerella is the clever lady behind these - find out how to make them here.

Red velvet cake and white chocolate with milk chocolate ears and a red Lifesaver
The guests were 'led' in via a series of paw prints that directed them down the path to their destination.

The kids stuck these down with the help of Mr Rat  - it's good to give the kids jobs to do on the day!
I like silly little labels on the food - the kids invariably don't get them but again, it amuses me!

Pup corn - though I did enjoy it when one guest referred to it as 'poop corn'.
In little cupcake cups for ease of serving.

Bunny bread - simple fairy bread cut with a small bunny cutter that I picked up at Daiso.

These ones required more actual baking!
Sugar cookies using Martha's recipe and covered with Royal icing and assorted sprinkles.

Also made them with a cat cutter - but they were odd looking cats I have to say!!!

Go, Dogs, Go - the old teddies in racing cars but we used Spotty Dog biscuits.

There were also Hot dogs which were just mini ones that we served in two brand new shiny silver dog bowls and a few other things too.

And just to give you perspective on the size of Miss G's special kitty - here she is holding it up.
It doubled as her birthday card too.

So that's a wrap I think - for another two years anyway!

What about you, are you a sucker for a good party??


  1. Wow Karen - it looks like a wonderful party - so much loving effort. Im useless at the food side of parties - do you fancy coming and doing the catering and my next one - it looked so fun and yum. Cake pop puppies are magnificent. Hope you got to put your feet up for a while afterwards.

  2. party pets party like there's no tomorrow! love all the details ... i scored the puppy cake pop ... you're so clever! & that balloon rat .... man he can sew prep a puppy or two!! great fun in the village! xo

  3. I love kids parties too - they are so much fun! Everything looks fantastic, I love how you served the pop corn too :)

  4. Great job Karen! I love this theme, it's such a great idea.

  5. Looks fantastic Karen, love the Kitty Kats


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