Friday 9 March 2012

I wish they'd be six forever and ever!

Today these tiny babies turn six years old!!

Miss L on the left and Miss A on the right - so adorable!

How did that happen!!??

This is them at three weeks and one day old - the day they came home.

We've already had great excitement - scooters, Friends Lego (check it out - it's the new 'girly' range), Beanie Bears, books (of course!) and lovely cards made for each other and from their little sister.

Water babies from the start!

We have a big evening planned, a play at the park with friends tomorrow and lunch with all four grandparents on Sunday.
It's quite an event!
I will be back later on to share some of the celebration.

Needless to say I love them with every fibre of my being and cannot think of anything I'd rather be than their mum.


Cas said...

GORGEOUS. you say you wish they could stay 6 yrs old forever. i say 3 weeks old. they are totally delicious! enjoy the weekend of festivities. happy b'day girls :)

ARTwendy ... said...

Beautifully written mum! Happy Birthday Miss L & Miss A

Cass said...

Happy birthday to two gorgeous girls

Liz said...

Happy birthday twice to your gorgeous girls Karen, hope their birthday weekend is amazing. I know exactly how you feel, not sure when it was I blinked and mine got into their 30's...sigh!

Sally said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to Ms A and Ms L. Fabulous. Such gorgeous photos. So lovely. My my. How time flies.

Unknown said... sweet!