
Thursday 7 April 2011

Goodies galore!

What would a craft party be without a goody bag!

Sheridan got together an amazing list of sponsors and they provided us with all sorts of great things in a bag made from corn - by Inner Green - how cool is that.

A full list of 'clickable' links is at the bottom of this post.

There were a bunch of great patterns some for quilts, pencil rolls and one that Clare wrote especialy for us, a cute puppet.
And then there was fabric from Retromummy, Hawthorne Threads and Saffron Craig and a very cute key fob from Earth Girl Fabrics.

Patterns, fabric, key fob and more patterns - bliss!

I also made the most of the market stalls and got some very sweet Sweetie Petite dolls from The Red Thread.

The swap, arranged by Cass was awesome again.

I forgot to take a pic of the flex frame felt iPhone pouches I made - so I might have to make one more so I can show you! Inside I put a Kitkat which had a print out of an iPhone on the front of it - just for fun.

Here's what I got from some very clever ladies:
Fabric patched notepad and pencils from Cass - mine has Heather Ross on it - *swoon*
A casserole carrier from Donna - serious amount of work in each one of these - wow!
My very own doll quilt by Helen - her work is amazing.
One of Sara's gorgeous embroidered cuffs - I had to fight my daughters to keep this.
And a fabulous calico appliqed bag with lovely fabric 'scraps' inside from Anna.

Yep - lucky me!

Also I never showed you the very clever badge that Cass made for me - she put a zip in it!! (She said that it was thanks to Cam who helped her with the technical side of it).

Not only did it look great but it was very practical - the perfect place to keep my room key for the YHA we stayed at. Thanks Cass.

I also bought a special treat for myself - a new Polly Pratt dress! Made from gorgeous Amy Butler fabric - here it is on a model with a better figure than mine!

It's such a gorgeous summery, fun dress - makes me feel very girly - and my girls adore it - I was truly in the door for about 10 seconds when one of them declared "I love your new dress mummy!"

Photo credit - Polly Pratt

So there you have it - what a weekend!

PS - there was also post-dinner karaoke and dancing - but what happens on SIT, stays on SIT!!

Here are all the sponsors - go on, visit a few and let them know the SIT girls sent you.


Posie Patchwork


Hawthorne Threads

Pink Chalk Fabrics

Chasing Cottons

Saffron Craig

Clare’s Craftroom

The Red Thread

Clare’s Place

Earthgirl Fabrics

The Remnant Warehouse

Material Obesssion

Kelani Fabric Obsession

Sew Vintage

Plushka’s Craft

The Oz Material Girls

Polly Pratt

Craft Schmaft

Prints Charming

Nicole Mallalieu Design

Wink Designs

Crafty Mamas


  1. Oh, I sew wish I could have gone. Maybe next year...

  2. is it bad to be very, very jealous? I am! That dress will look great on you- it's fantastic. You might think that the model has a better figure than you, but you romp all over it in the personality stakes ;)

  3. WOW! You got spoilt with some seriously terrific goodies! :)
    I'm with your girls - I LOVE your new dress! :) Now all we need are a few hot days so you can wear it before the cool weather sets in!

  4. Ooooh Jen and I were both ogling the dress in that Amy Butler Love print! It's gorgeous :) you'll have to post a modelling photo! You got a great haul :) I haven't really had a chance to go through mine yet as we flew out the next day; looking forward to getting back and rifling through it all at my leisure!

  5. Wow, there were so many lovely things you received and bought. Well done to your swap partners - they all did such a fantastic job!

  6. Ok, that's it - next year I am going! LOVE the dress, just gorgeous


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