
Tuesday 30 November 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

It's that time of year, everyone is starting to gear up to Christmas - I feel like I have been caught short this year.
Short of days until the fat guy in red comes to visit.

I'm planning gifts for the kinder teachers using an idea from this clever lady and her wee girl which involved transferring the children's artwork onto fabric.

Get transfer paper from Nikki M (link above) which is sure to better than what I got from Officeworks

The girls each did a drawing for their two teachers and I will put one from each child onto a small zippered purse for each teacher.
Then we're going to use the original drawings on the cards.

I'll keep you updated as we go.

I've also been doing some birthday sewing - this is the Modkid Frida again - not sure if I took it one step too far with the pink pockets - they kind of dominate??
Oh well, the birthday girl likes it - she got it on Saturday and was wearing it today so that's a good sign.

To help lighten the load I've been getting some 'help' in the kitchen.
Hmmm - care to guess who was in charge of putting the cheese on the pizzas?!!!


  1. I have some crayons that are meant to draw on fabric and iron set. Planning on putting some childrens drawings onto some hankies. If it doesn't work I will know what to try next now! We make pizza here too, and mine try to eat all the pineapple before it goes on as a topping.

  2. Great ideas! You've made me feel like homemade pizza. Thanks for the dinner idea!

  3. I love the pink pockets!!! Looks gorgeous!

  4. I must get cracking on the kinder gifts, too..... Thanks for the reminder (and the link!!!).

    Love the dress!!

  5. Lovely dress, and great idea for teacher.

  6. I think the dress looks wonderful ... pockets and all.
    Master E. is doing a similar project with tranfer paper for his sister's birthday present.

    ... and that pizza looks...mmm... like one slice might taste better than the others!

  7. I love the dress- so pretty.

    And the pizza, well, my husband is slobbering all over my keyboard.


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