
Tuesday 22 June 2010

I say, I hear...

It's been a while since I posted any "I hear, I say" items, so in case you've forgotten or not seenit before, they are the, often bizarre, things I hear my children or myself say in the course of a regular day.

Here are a few gems of late...

Miss A after cleaning her teeth -
"Mummy, can you hear the smell of my teeth?".

Miss A - talking about why Henry the Octopus would be great at helping Santa deliver presents...
"He'd be very good at it Mummy because he has eight testicles."

Not so sure that would help him with the presents...
(but given this statement aren't you glad I chose to go with a pic related to the first quote).

Miss L giving me a lesson on how to make a plasticene plane.
Miss L - "Then you put a bit on the front to be the wokka."
Me - "What's a wokka honey?"
Miss L - "You know the thing that goes wokka, wokka, wokka." Said as she spins her hand around in a circle.
Me - "Oh you mean the propellor!"
Miss L (looking at me as though I am possibly the most stupid person on earth) - "Yeah".

And one from a while ago in a discussion with Miss L where we were trying to remember the names of the seven dwarfs...
"and then there's saddish Mum"
Me - "I think you mean Grumpy honey..."


  1. Ha, mine said the same thing about henry the Octopus, not the testicles part, but the being great at wrapping prsents, so cute! And you have to agree- he would be handy! I just love the little mix ups of words, and when you laugh they get cranky! But they're so cute!

  2. Ohhh I loved this Karen!

    Henry the octo-teste is an interesting one!

    I write down all my children's funny quotes, we love reading over them and laughing. I then print them out and put then in my child's birthday card for that year. I also write some down on little pieces of paper and pop them in photo albums. Great memories.

  3. They're classic aren't they?

  4. I get the wokka thing too. Jay from playschool singing - flying in a helicopter, the rotar blades go wokka, wokka wokka wokka.... is now in my head :)

  5. cute, and yes I believe wokka wokka is a playschool thing.

  6. I miss all those cute/funny things my kids used to say! Actually I think it's them laughing at me now when I use words in weird ways.

  7. I love these. I should write down more of what is said around our house.

  8. Oh my goodness, poor Henry, I was laughing so hard my husband came to see what the fuss was about.

  9. I love this so much... nearly choked on my toast with the last one :)

  10. Huge belly laughing happening here. Good grief, Mrs Henry must never get a moment of rest! Thank you so much for sharing. Lisa x

  11. Oh so glad you didn't post a different pic!!!

  12. I LOVE this post! I keep a quasi diary of the growth and development of each of our small people and quotes like those in your post are plentiful and really make me smile. Such innocent open honest ' no pun intended', no comprehension of or mispronunciation of or misuse of the spoken word..I love it. Thanks for the smile. Peta

  13. Hahaha! This was such a fun read for the end of my day. I love talking with kids! Your girls sound like so much fun! :)


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