
Sunday 14 February 2010

My Super girls

One of the weekend parties had a 'dress as a super hero' theme.

There is a notable absence of female superheroes - other than those with a more grown-up feel to them such as Wonder Woman and Cat Woman.

Therefore, I decided the girls should go quite generic - a 'make up your own hero', kind of hero.

So (stupidly I admit!) last night I decided to make three capes and headbands to wear this morning.

Miss L chose the rainbow stretch fabric and I teamed it up with some basic stars.
I figured if the slippery shiny stuff was going to be a pain to sew, it might be easier with a cotton back, and it was.

I have to say the lurid rainbow stuff was actually a breeze to sew - it moved easily through the machine and didn't snag at all.

I sort of winged the cape, an enlargement of the one I use for my caped T-shirts and I used the very well-written and easy to follow Curlypops Superhero headband tutorial for the headbands.
(Thanks Cam!)

So what were the things to note; I used Shapewell instead of interfacing for the headbands and this worked really with regard to holding their shape.

Next time I would probably make the star a little smaller, but I had that template on hand so went with it.

I put the stars on using Heat 'n' Bond which I had never used before but found it worked well, though takes a while to fuse.

I also interfaced both fabrics on the cape where the snaps were going to be for extra support as I figured they might get some wear and tear.

The smallest loved hers so much she left it on all day at the party and wore it to my basketball game tonight!

And Miss L had a lovely time watching it fly out behind her on the swing today, so the late night was, as always, worth the effort!


  1. If I ever need rescuing, I would be very happy to have one of your sweet super girls on the job!

    And to you.... well done on a SUPER night-before effort!

  2. Love the rainbow backs. Greg suggested that you could have sent one as "Invisible girl". I think she is from Justice League. When I asked him how we would achieve that, he said to wrap her in plastic. Which child do you think we should preserve?

  3. Ha Ha never heard of that one Greg. Would it keep the little one still for more than a few seconds do you think!
    She's one very busy girl at the moment.

  4. I LOVE the rainbow capes! Did you get ANY sleep last night? I would have been up all night making those.

  5. This is so CUTE! and what a great idea to pair it up with cotton for ease of sewing!

  6. They look like SuperGirls to me! :o)

  7. Awwww they're so adorable!
    I'm so glad that they loved their outfits. That rainbow fabric looks fab.

  8. oh, too cute! Your girls are so cute, I love seeing them all dressed up. Cam has some great ideas, it's great to see others using them!

  9. They are very cute! Great work, gotta love a quick brain wave!

  10. super cool!
    I think your girls could save the world with those huge happy smiles they are wearng!
    I bet they think your pretty super too for whipping these costumes up!
    the envy of every mum at the party xxx

  11. Noooooo, these just cannot be your little girls. I can't get over how big they are!

  12. These costumes look great!!! I bet they were the hit of the party especially with that great rainbow fabric...

    Take Care
    Jodie :)

  13. I love it! I make these, but I sew the cape to a T shirt...they make awesome b'day gifts!!!

  14. Gorgeous little costumes! I too stayed up late one night sewing a superhero outfit for my boy for a superhero party the next morning. Why I didn't think of it sooner? Dunno. Good work & you've got some cute little munchikins there.

  15. What a great job you did and in such short time too- hope the girls had a great party

  16. These look fantastic!!!! I can see all three of mine loving something like this to wear.

  17. wow karen your girls are soooooooooo big now!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh I still remember them being little twinnies!!!!!


  18. Looks like you have 3 pretty happy super heroes there!


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