Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Best tip EVER!!

Carmel posted the other day about a nifty way to control and contain all those annoying loose threads that always seem to hang out of your bobbin box, well out of mine anyway...

She linked back to the original source of the idea and I have to say it's so simple but really, really handy.

What you do is cut this plastic tubing into very small pieces and then slit one side so it can be wrapped around the outside of the bobbin, thus securing the cotton.

I had attempted to buy little clips in the past that did exactly the same thing - but they were all sold out and I was supposed to be put on back order, but they never eventuated.

I sent 'The guy who lives here' to the hardware store (yeah right, like he had to be asked twice!), and while he couldn't find the dimension Carmel used, he came home with 20mm tubing and it wraps around and back onto itself where it just sort of sticks.
So it works brilliantly.

Whoever thought I would want to be heading off to the hardware store again... but here goes!


Jane said...

Aha, thank you for sharing this Karen! My bobbins aren't even in a neat box like yours. They're all tangled up in a couple of boxes that also contain various machine feet - what a mess!

Unknown said...

Glad you liked it - it was too good a tip not to share :)

Cas said...

clever! i keep mine along with the spool in a clip lock bag. that way i know what colour bobbin belongs to what colour spool.