Sunday 13 March 2011

Beautiful mermaids

Two gorgeous girls turned five last week.
Yesterday we had a party for 27 of their closest friends!
Today I worked.
Now I am too tired to write anything, so I will leave you with a couple of pictures.
I'll do a (pic heavy) post-party post in a few days.
When I have recovered...

Mermaid outfits whipped up on the morning of the party - oops!

Miss L - alternately the sweetest and cheekiest child ever born. Love her to bits.


Miss A - using what she told us on the morning of her birthday was her new '5 year old' smile!

So grown up, caring and thoughtful for her age. Adorable.


Unknown said...

Gorgeous mermaids. Particularly impressive work on the tails.

Cindy said...

So gorgeous, I love their outfits. They look so grownup. Hope there are lots of 5 year old smiles

Little Munchkins said...

I LOVE the outfits. I can't believe you whipped them up the morning of the party!

make it perfect said...

The girls are beautiful and what cool mermaid costumes :)

Anonymous said...

gorgeous!!!!I have twin girls too.but they are now 11!!!!

Nikki said...

LOVE the costumes!!! And of course, your gorgeous 5-year-old mermaids. Looking forward to seeing the party shots!!

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday to the girls! What great costumes - Ella would love a mermaid tail too as she always tells us she's a mermaid

Cass said...

Gorgeous and a big happy birthday to them both

Seaweed and Raine said...

Such happy '5 year old' smiles! Kids are always so chuffed to tell us that they are now... (Insert whatever age they are). :)

Great job - especially as it was the morning of the party, when you were probably running around doing 100 other things too! Did you have to make 2, or 3 of them? ;)

willow and moo said...

Happy birthday to your mermaids!

sophie said...

So lovely Karen!

Nic said...

GOrgeous! I can't believe they are only five, I thought they were a lot older!

Tanya said...

Brilliant mermaids- outfits and children and how photogenic are they? And, ahem, if they had 27 of their BFF at their 5th, I wonder how many they will have at their 16th ;)

Anonymous said...

happy Birthday! I can;t believe they are 5! They do look very grown up, and those costumes are fabulous!