It felt very indulgent the other night to spend time cutting and sewing not for someone else, but just for me.

It's from a pattern I tested for Toni at Make It Perfect, but don't worry - the wait on this one won't be long.
The pattern release is imminent (that woman is amazing - how she does so much with three kids is beyond me!!),and as soon as it's out there I will show you the full item.
In the meantime, I might just think about what else to make for me, or maybe another of these...
Oooh, that DOES look lovely. I'm glad you got to 'indulge' in some sewing for yourself. Looking forward to the full pictures@!
Oh that looks lovely!
I wished I had been able to test that one - it looks like something I will wear, but I told Toni I couldn't as I was away on holidays.
P/S : Any chance of a modelled shot?
Thats great news, I need more patterns for me and I already have so many of the MIP patterns that one more won't hurt ;)
That looks lovely and comfy, and so pretty.
Karen can't wait to see this one. If it's as good a pattern as the wrap skirt I'll be there with bells on
Looks great!
I can almost hear the excitement in your voice Karen! How lovely to make something for yourself that you love. I look forward to seeing all of it soon....
Oh poo poo to being indulgent - I think we should all sew more for ourselves!
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