One thing the girls love to do, when we brave a trip to a local mega-huge shopping centre, is look at all the kittens and puppies in the pet shop window.
I picked Miss L up so she could better see the animals only to have her exclaim in a very loud and excited voice;
"Oh Daddy look at the titties!"
I quickly said "kitties daddy, kitties." to the stunned and gobsmacked man looking at me, unsure of where to rest his gaze!
It confused him more because we never call kittens kitties and it is only in moments of great excitement that she confuses her K's and T's now.
Pic of cute 'titties' from here
Haha! Oh that is priceless!
ohhh how hilarious - embarrassing but hilarious!
thats so funny!!
Classic! At least Miss L's was a slip. My hubby had our then 2.5 year old in a newsagent once when he spotted a computer mag with a picture of Lara Croft on it. (Very buxom computer game character) Mr L said "big boobies!" Hubby, deciding you might as well acknowledge when your child is correct, said "yes mate" To which Mr L added "Like mummys!" Now again, the child was correct, but apparently the man standing next to them just about choked on his drink.
That is very funny, especially for any innocent bystanders. I think this would only be funnier if your Mr later told you you've got nice kitties!
Oh how adorable :D Out of the mouths of babes hey?! x
haha! kids say the darndest things!
ROFL Karen! Priceless :)
This ones has got to be written down and put into that box of yours for when they get married!
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