That said, here are two more 2+2 blouses.

The blue below is Park Slope fabric by Erin McMorris and the red and pink above is part of my Aldalucia stash from Patty Young.

The pattern is the Oliver+s 2+2 blouse of course.
Both shirts have covered buttons on the back as I prefer the look of these, and it saves a trip to the shops to buy matching buttons!Leisl of Oliver+s has been doing a really interesting series on fabric selection which has made me question what I buy for the girls with regard to whether the prints are too vibrant.
So how do I choose?
Well firstly I tend to by within a range as I am lousy at combining fabric, so I go with what the designer created to 'go together'.
I don't want lollipop pink for everything they wear but I also don't want to buy colours that are too old for them, so I tend to go for things that I think are vibrant, fun and young.
Additionally, I take into consideration the colours each of the girls likes to wear and what I think suits them.
If they happen to not show the dirt too much (which I think will be the case for this blue print) then that's a bonus!
How do you choose?
Gorgeous work :)
Karen, the tops are beautiful!
It's interesting that you mention Liesl's post on the O+S blog. I read it and I understand what she is saying, but that is also her aesthetic and one to which I do not ascribe. Her post made me stop and think about what I do, and that is a good thing! It made me reaffirm that I am all about colour. I was an Oilily fan before I was sewing. I also don't really enjoy my children in drab colours. MY children really respond to bright colours. Yes, Mollie does dress in a cacophony of colour, but she's happy that way. Sometimes I try to get her to tone it down, but it's her choice. I have a feeling that one day she will want to dress all in black. LOL
You have to do what makes you happy. I choose fabrics that speak to me and I can usually see how I am going to use it.
Those are some of my favourite fabrics and I think it looks great made up into the blouses.
I did read Liesl's post and I think it's also a matter of personal preference. For me, I tend to buy first without any idea of what I plan to make with them later. And later, when I buy patterns, I go through my stash and see what calls out to me.
I also tend to buy more novelty prints but very seldom of co-ordinating fabrics from the same range. It gives me the freedom to pick what I want to match those novelty prints later.
Your girls are so lucky to have a mummy to sew them such nice clothes. I always get a headache choosing coordinated fabrics! It's a bit hit and miss for my I think! Sometimes I like the muted tones for my girl, and sometimes the whole crazy colour thing! I think it is good to have a range depending on one's current mood!
Your girls and their tops look gorgeous. You've done a great job. Fabric choice is hard but I bet if you asked the girls, their main focus would be that you made it. If you make a poor fabric choice, it will give them something to be embarrassed about when they're older and look at photos of when they were young!
Karen, the tops are wonderful! I always find your blog so inspiring. :o)
I tend to love pattern, but am often afraid it will be "too much". I often pair a pattern with a solid, to try to tone it down a bit.
Karen, the tops are gorgeous. I like your fabric choices! Making 2x always takes just that little bit longer.
I find that I tend to just buy material that I like and then decide later what I am going to use it for. I also pick colours that the girls like - pink, purple and blues and they are often vibrant colours. They have started to pick their own materials when we buy online..I am not sure if this is a good thing or not :)
I am a colour girl, all four of my serious jobs have revovled heavily around colour. And I most love combining it.
Liesl's aritcle is interesting but I think us Aussie's would do well to read it remembering some of those very OTT designs that we see elsewhere. I feel a bit the same about the bows I make for Ella and Kate...they are so much simpler and smaller than some that I see.
I do love your girls' top...colour and all!
Gorgeous blouses Karen! tghey look adorable on the girls.
I think I have similar tastes to you in fabric choices. I really think whilst they are still young enough to wear bright bold prints then why not? I also like to use colours other than pink and still make it girly ifkwim?
Thanks so much for leaving a tutorial link for those cute skirts :-)
I love that Patty Young fabric collection and it suits your little girl perfectly.
Love the tops, especially the blue version...
Take Care
Jodie :)
These look great - I always love your colour choices and combo's - off to read that article!
Good job on the tops. The girls look great in bright colours and large patters, so go for it!
The tops look just stunning on your girls Karen! I am going to have a read of the article you linked to about fabric combining...I am always pretty conservative with what I combine- but I do go for rich pastels here! I have so much to learn through and always love to read others opinions. I also totally know about the whole having to make multiples!! I already have to do the x3 for my least it gives me plenty of practice! ;)
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