Saturday 6 September 2008

Isn't she lovely

No it's not more photo's of our gorgeous new arrival - though I agree, it could well be, given the title.

I thought I should try to restrain my 'new baby' enthusiasm as you might be getting bored of looking at baby pics (though I never will be!).

This gorgeous creature is Georgia's newest friend, a gorgeous Waldorf or Steiner doll given to her by her Aunt, Uncle and cousins. She was made by this clever lady.

The older two girls have one of these lovely dolls, handmade by their aunt. If you wanted to have a go at making one yourself the lady at Special Friends Dolls runs workshops.

She's sure to be a friend for life for Georgia.


Andrea said...

Oh she is lovely Karen, what a special little gift. Ellyse has a few of those dolls made by my sister's Dutch MIL, all with knitted clothes to match.
I would never get sick of looking at beautiful babies either, I love watching our little sewing babies blossom.

Charity said...

Oh, she is lovely! :0)

Kylie said...

What a lovely doll - I have often thought of purchasing the pattern to make one but get scared by the thought of making them come to life with there faces!

Here to Andrea - Love babe pictures