and sometimes you should be happy that they are both simply in the shot.
...completing quick and easy small projects is more rewarding than planning for big ones you don't quite ever get to.

...summer PJ's are handy to have even if it's nearing the end of summer, especially if there's a hot weekend forecast ahead.

So sweet! I find I always need a small project on the go, to help fill in around the big ones. :0)
Your girls are growing up really fast!
Love those hairclips and cute PJs.
Love the clips, and the PJs and of course those two girls look cute as buttons, even without looking at the camera!
The PJs and clips aren't nearly as cute as your two girls. Having vainly tried to get a 'good' photo of my twin 2yo nephews when we were on holidays, I know what you mean!
Such a cute photo of your girls, I love little girls in tights. Bring on winter!!!!
The PJ's are very sweet too
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