
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Grandma love!

If you are a regular reader you'd know I am not a quilter, I refer to it as "The Dark Side", not because I don't like quilts, I do, particularly those with a modern bent to them.

It's just that becoming a quilter means adding a whole lot of new fabric to my stash - a quilting stash, and I don't think that would be a good idea, for the capacity of the cupboards in my sewing room or my marriage!

Three little quilts featuring teddies are now used daily for assorted dolls and 'babies'.
Miss A saw a simple doll quilt at a market one day and wanted me to buy it for her.
It was squares joined together and bound, I am pretty confident I could have made it so I found it hard to consider parting with $25 (x 3 of course!) for it.

What I actually said to her was "I am sure if you asked Grandma she would make one for you".
Perfect passing of the buck, don't you think?

I knew Mum would happily make something for them - but I never expected her to go to so much effort!

Wishing on a star (a little fuzzy sorry!)
Mum made these up over a series of weeks, hand-stitching all the applique down as always and she let them have a little say in the patterns for each.

Some of the fabric scraps are from things I have made the girls 
Mum has, of course, tackled things far bigger than these, having made each of the girls a single bed-sized quilt as well as a baby cot quilt in the past.

And this one, of course, for the ducky lover!
I love that my girls are so delighted with these quilts - they are always either on their bed or tucked up around one of their animals on their beds.

Their appreciation of handmade is wonderful and I hope as they learn the techniques involved in the 'making' of things, this continues into the future.


  1. So sweet and much loved I am sure! I was never a quilter but eventually I went to the dark side for my first quilt because I wanted to do something with all my garment sewing scraps!

  2. They are wonderful! Aren't grandmas the best? I've been guilty a time or two (or three, four) of passing the buck to my mom...;)

  3. Very sweet! Sounds like you need to deplete the current fabric stash and come on over to The Dark Side - we want you.....we want you,...we want you!!

  4. How beautiful. The girls will just treasure these and I love how they are each individual designs


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